InkerLinker is a custom node based editor that enables users to rapidly prototype interactive scenarios using the Bare Conductive Touch Board, Conductive Ink, Copper Tape and openFrameworks.
For example: Users can trigger video content, HTTP requests, OSC, QLab actions all from the Bare Conductive TouchBoard.
No need to write code.
Simply drag cords between the virtual touch board and nodes to create actions.
Written in C++ using openFrameworks 0.9.8.
Currently Mac Only
Documentation Not Yet Complete
Download the application
You need to upload the DataStream Sketch to the Touchboard to use InkerLinker.
But first you need to change one variable inside the sketch.
On line 36-37 change releaseThreshold to 30.
Without altering this variable the touch board thinks there has been no release event.
// this is the touch threshold - setting it low makes it more like a proximity trigger
// default value is 40 for touch
const int touchThreshold = 40;
// this is the release threshold - must ALWAYS be smaller than the touch threshold
// default value is 20 for touch
const int releaseThreshold = 20;
- Bare Conductive
- Elie Génard for the ofxTouchBoard Addon.
- Adam Kozłowski for the USB recognition code.
- Tom Metcalfe
- All of the Pervasive Media Studio Team
- Watershed's ICT Team. Oliver Humpage, Stewart Morgan and Alex Heal.
The openFrameworks community.