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THE Advanced Application Manager Generator or AAMG is a Python library for creating AAMs from A to Z using Python.
NOTE: THE AAMG and any AAM CAN ONLY work in almost any operating system(*1) which can support python 3.8 and above
*1: THE AAMG and any kind of AAM wasn't tested on any operating system expect window and the 32-bit version of it wasn't tested, only window 64-bit operating system was tested
AAMG produces custom AAMs by using a Variety of Parameters which enable it to produce AAMs for any application or purpose.
Advanced Application Manager or AAM is a very flexible and useful way to install dependencies and requirements for a specific app, each AAM is made specifically for a specific application, and the only way to make an AMM is to use the AAMG python library which is has been made using pure python and standard libraries only
to install use the following command
pip install aamg
if you have discovered a bug, or you want to change something just open a new issue at Issues
you can contact us using this email ,and you can be a part of our community by joining our discord server