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Win2D-based code editor control for WinUI 3.

At this stage, this is only a proof of concept. I tried to port line by line which was a huge pain so I had to stop. The codebase is just too huge and hard to read.

I took some inspiration and created my own Win2d-based control. Feel free to contibute! Would be nice to have a fast full-featured text editor for WinAppSDK / MAUI!

Screenshot of the TestApp

Stuff that works:

  • Text selection & beam placement (inputs: PointerPress & Up/Down/Left/Right keys)
  • Basic text editing (char insertion, back key, delete key, enter key)
  • Basic copy & paste logic
  • Scrolling (vertical & horizontal)
  • Text, FontSize, Theme and TabLength are two-way bindable DependencyProperties
  • Proof-of-Concept syntax highlighting for ConTeXt as a static Language Definition within the Control
  • Syntax highligting example for a Lua file in the TestApp
  • Actions (right-click menu & KeyboardAccelerators)
  • Middle-click scrolling
  • Search and highlight
  • Drag and drop
  • Error/Warning/Message/SearchMatch markers on the line and on the vertical ScrollBar
  • Recource-intensive work does not block the UI thread: Setting the Text, Pasting large chunks of Lines, Changing the Code Language

Screenshot 2021-09-02 164150

Screenshot 2021-09-02 163928


  • Line wrapping
  • Text folding
  • Text-wide instead of line-wise regexing (respectively lexer states for multiline-comment handling)
  • Incremental regexing when Text source changes (Regex and draw the VisibleLines immediately, then regex the rest in blocks)
  • IntelliSense for commands and arguments
  • Find and highlight matching bracket/parenthesis/braces pairs, auto-close pairs
  • Generalize the syntax highlighting and IntelliSense for more (user-definable) languages
  • Minimap
  • Breakpoints and breakpoint line highlighting
  • Word/Keyword/Variable highlighting
  • Multi-cursor selection and editing