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Hexagon is a microservices toolkit (not a framework) written in Kotlin. Its purpose is to ease the building of services (Web applications, APIs or queue consumers) that run inside a cloud platform.
It is meant to provide abstraction from underlying technologies (data storage, HTTP server engines, etc.) to be able to change them with minimum impact. It is designed to fit in applications that conforms to the Hexagonal Architecture (also called Clean Architecture or Ports and Adapters Architecture).
The goals of the project are:
- Be simple to use: make it easy to develop user services (HTTP or message consumers) quickly. It is focused on making the usual tasks easy.
- Make it easy to hack: allow the user to add extensions or change the toolkit itself. The code is meant to be simple for the users to understand it.
Which are NOT project goals:
- To be the fastest framework. Write the code fast and optimize only the critical parts. It is not slow anyway.
- Support all available technologies and tools: the spirit is to define simple interfaces for the most common features , so users can implement integrations with different tools easily.
- To be usable from Java. Hexagon is Kotlin first.
There are three kind of client libraries:
- The ones that provide a single functionality that does not depend on different implementations.
- Modules that define a "Port": An interface to a feature that may have different implementations.
- Adapter modules, which are Port implementations for a given tool.
Ports are independent from each other.
Hexagon Core module provides convenience utilities. The main features it has are:
- Helpers: JVM information, a logger and other useful utilities.
- Dependency Injection: bind classes to creation closures or instances and inject them.
- Instance Serialization: parse/serialize data in different formats to class instances.
- Configuration Settings: load settings from different data sources and formats.
You can clone a starter project (Gradle Starter or Maven Starter). Or you can create a project from scratch following these steps:
- Configure Kotlin in Gradle or Maven.
- Setup the JCenter repository (follow the link and click on the
Set me up!
button). - Add the dependency:
In Gradle. Import it inside
:compile ("com.hexagonkt:http_server_jetty:$hexagonVersion")
In Maven. Declare the dependency in
:<dependency> <groupId>com.hexagonkt</groupId> <artifactId>http_server_jetty</artifactId> <version>$hexagonVersion</version> </dependency>
- Write the code in the
// hello
import com.hexagonkt.http.httpDate
import com.hexagonkt.http.server.Server
import com.hexagonkt.http.server.ServerPort
import com.hexagonkt.http.server.jetty.JettyServletAdapter
import com.hexagonkt.injection.InjectionManager.bindObject
* Service server. It is created lazily to allow ServerPort injection (set up in main).
val server: Server by lazy {
Server {
before {
response.setHeader("Date", httpDate())
get("/hello/{name}") { ok("Hello, ${pathParameters["name"]}!", "text/plain") }
* Start the service from the command line.
fun main() {
bindObject<ServerPort>(JettyServletAdapter()) // Bind Jetty server to HTTP Server Port
// hello
- Run the service and view the results at: http://localhost:2010/hello/world
You can check the Developer Guide for more details. Or you can clone the Gradle Starter or Maven Starter for a minimal fully working example (including tests).
A simple CRUD example showing how to manage book resources. Here you can check the full test.
// books
data class Book(val author: String, val title: String)
private val books: MutableMap<Int, Book> = linkedMapOf(
100 to Book("Miguel de Cervantes", "Don Quixote"),
101 to Book("William Shakespeare", "Hamlet"),
102 to Book("Homer", "The Odyssey")
val server: Server by lazy {
Server(adapter) {
post("/books") {
// Require fails if parameter does not exists
val author = queryParameters.require("author").first()
val title = queryParameters.require("title").first()
val id = (books.keys.max() ?: 0) + 1
books += id to Book(author, title)
send(201, id)
get("/books/{id}") {
// Path parameters *must* exist an error is thrown if they are not present
val bookId = pathParameters["id"].toInt()
val book = books[bookId]
if (book != null)
// ok() is a shortcut to send(200)
ok("Title: ${book.title}, Author: ${book.author}")
send(404, "Book not found")
put("/books/{id}") {
val bookId = pathParameters["id"].toInt()
val book = books[bookId]
if (book != null) {
books += bookId to book.copy(
author = queryParameters["author"]?.first() ?: book.author,
title = queryParameters["title"]?.first() ?: book.title
ok("Book with id '$bookId' updated")
else {
send(404, "Book not found")
delete("/books/{id}") {
val bookId = pathParameters["id"].toInt()
val book = books[bookId]
books -= bookId
if (book != null)
ok("Book with id '$bookId' deleted")
send(404, "Book not found")
// Matches path's requests with *any* HTTP method as a fallback (return 404 instead 405)
any("/books/{id}") { send(405) }
get("/books") { ok(books.keys.joinToString(" ", transform = Int::toString)) }
// books
Example showing how to use sessions. Here you can check the full test.
// session
val server: Server by lazy {
Server(adapter) {
path("/session") {
get("/id") { ok(session.id ?: "null") }
get("/access") { ok(session.lastAccessedTime?.toString() ?: "null") }
get("/new") { ok(session.isNew()) }
path("/inactive") {
get { ok(session.maxInactiveInterval ?: "null") }
put("/{time}") { session.maxInactiveInterval = pathParameters["time"].toInt() }
get("/creation") { ok(session.creationTime ?: "null") }
post("/invalidate") { session.invalidate() }
path("/{key}") {
put("/{value}") { session.set(pathParameters["key"], pathParameters["value"]) }
get { ok(session.get(pathParameters["key"]).toString()) }
delete { session.remove(pathParameters["key"]) }
get {
val attributes = session.attributes
val attributeTexts = attributes.entries.map { it.key + " : " + it.value }
response.setHeader("attributes", attributeTexts.joinToString(", "))
response.setHeader("attribute values", attributes.values.joinToString(", "))
response.setHeader("attribute names", attributes.keys.joinToString(", "))
response.setHeader("creation", session.creationTime.toString())
response.setHeader("id", session.id ?: "")
response.setHeader("last access", session.lastAccessedTime.toString())
response.status = 200
// session
Demo server to show the use of cookies. Here you can check the full test.
// cookies
val server: Server by lazy {
Server(adapter) {
post("/assertNoCookies") {
if (request.cookies.isNotEmpty())
post("/addCookie") {
val name = queryParameters["cookieName"]?.first()
val value = queryParameters["cookieValue"]?.first()
response.addCookie(HttpCookie(name, value))
post("/assertHasCookie") {
val cookieName = queryParameters.require("cookieName").first()
val cookieValue = request.cookies[cookieName]?.value
if (queryParameters["cookieValue"]?.first() != cookieValue)
post("/removeCookie") {
// cookies
Code to show how to handle callback exceptions and HTTP error codes. Here you can check the full test.
// errors
class CustomException : IllegalArgumentException()
val server: Server by lazy {
Server(adapter) {
error(UnsupportedOperationException::class) {
response.setHeader("error", it.message ?: it.javaClass.name)
send(599, "Unsupported")
error(IllegalArgumentException::class) {
response.setHeader("runtimeError", it.message ?: it.javaClass.name)
send(598, "Runtime")
// Catching `Exception` handles any unhandled exception before (it has to be the last)
error(Exception::class) { send(500, "Root handler") }
// It is possible to execute a handler upon a given status code before returning
error(588) { send(578, "588 -> 578") }
get("/exception") { throw UnsupportedOperationException("error message") }
get("/baseException") { throw CustomException() }
get("/unhandledException") { error("error message") }
get("/halt") { halt("halted") }
get("/588") { halt(588) }
// errors
This example shows how to add filters before and after route execution. Here you can check the full test.
// filters
private val users: Map<String, String> = mapOf(
"Turing" to "London",
"Dijkstra" to "Rotterdam"
private val server: Server by lazy {
Server(adapter) {
before { attributes["start"] = nanoTime() }
before("/protected/*") {
val authorization = request.headers["Authorization"] ?: halt(401, "Unauthorized")
val credentials = authorization.first().removePrefix("Basic ")
val userPassword = String(Base64.getDecoder().decode(credentials)).split(":")
// Parameters set in call attributes are accessible in other filters and routes
attributes["username"] = userPassword[0]
attributes["password"] = userPassword[1]
// All matching filters are run in order unless call is halted
before("/protected/*") {
if(users[attributes["username"]] != attributes["password"])
halt(403, "Forbidden")
get("/protected/hi") { ok("Hello ${attributes["username"]}!") }
// After filters are ran even if request was halted before
after { response.setHeader("time", nanoTime() - attributes["start"] as Long) }
// filters
The following code shows how to serve resources and receive files. Here you can check the full test.
// files
private val server: Server by lazy {
Server(adapter) {
get("/html/*", Resource("assets")) // Serve `assets` resources on `/html/*`
get("/pub/*", File(directory)) // Serve `test` folder on `/pub/*`
get(Resource("public")) // Serve `public` resources folder on `/*`
post("/multipart") { ok(request.parts.keys.joinToString(":")) }
post("/file") {
val part = request.parts.values.first()
val content = part.inputStream.reader().readText()
post("/form") {
fun serializeMap(map: Map<String, List<String>>): List<String> = listOf(
map.map { "${it.key}:${it.value.joinToString(",")}}" }.joinToString("\n")
val queryParams = serializeMap(queryParameters)
val formParams = serializeMap(formParameters)
val params = serializeMap(parameters)
response.headers["queryParams"] = queryParams
response.headers["formParams"] = formParams
response.headers["params"] = params
// files
DISCLAIMER: The project is not yet production ready. Use it at your own risk. There are some modules not finished yet (e.g: storage and HTTP client).
It is used in personal not released projects to develop APIs and Web applications.
Performance is not the primary goal, but it is taken seriously. You can check performance numbers in the TechEmpower Web Framework Benchmarks. You can also run the stress tests, to do so, read the Benchmark readme
Tests, of course, are taken into account. This is the coverage grid:
The code quality is checked by Codebeat:
If you like this project and want to support it, the easiest way is to give it a star ✌️.
If you feel like you can do more. You can contribute to the project in different ways:
- By using it and spreading the word.
- Giving feedback by Twitter or Slack.
- Requesting new features or submitting bugs.
- Voting for the features you want in the issue tracker (using reactions).
- And... Drum roll... Submitting code or documentation.
To know what issues are currently open and be aware of the next features you can check the Project Board at Github.
You can ask any question, suggestion or complaint at the project's Slack channel. And be up to date of project's news following @hexagon_kt in Twitter.
Thanks to all project's contributors!
The project is licensed under the MIT License. This license lets you use the source for free or commercial purposes as long as you provide attribution and don’t hold any project member liable.