The locality finder is a Django Web-Application, which let's you find local events in your neighboorhood.
If you have docker and docker-compose installed in your system, than this is the easiest way of hosting the application:
docker-compose up -d
docker-compose exec web python migrate
docker-compose exec web python collectstatic --no-input
Afterwards you can browse to and see your brand new locality finder instance.
We also deliver a Helm chart to deploy this application into a Kubernetes Cluster.
Simply copy the helm_chart/prod_values.example.yaml
to helm_chart/prod_values.yaml
and fill it out with your production values.
Afterwards you can start your new Helm release like so:
helm install -f helm_chart/prod_values.yaml --namespace <a_new_namespace> helm_chart
There are a few requirements though:
- You need to already have setup Helm / Tiller into your Kubernetes cluster.
- This also includes a ServiceAccount and ClusterRoleBinding with appropriate rights.
- You need a working Issuer or ClusterIssuer to obtain a valid let's-encrypt certificate. It does not matter, which Ingress-Controller you are installing into your Cluster as long as it promotes a working Issuer. Here are some examples for issuers:
This option is not recommended, because you need to have a running PostGIS installation on your server.
If you still want to run it locally, install all requirements into your system or a python virtual environment and point your django settings to settings/base_settings
. You still need to adapt your database settings in there.
Your workflow might look like this:
virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install -r docker_requirements.txt
python runserver
python migrate