and NOTE NOTE NOTE The hupi server is here too.
Mediawiki running in Docker, set up for use with a Varnish reverse proxy and cache.
This project uses Docker Swarm to run the components needed by Mediawiki:
- Caddy as the webserver
- PHPFPM as the PHP server
- Mariadb as the database
I am using PHP 8.1 and it's not working 100% with the released version of mediawiki, I am going to live with it until mediawiki catches up. It is easier than backpedaling to PHP 7.
I used Caddy as reverse proxy so I stuck with Caddy as the webserver here. No real reason for this. I've also used the mediawiki docker which is based on Apache and I've run one on nginx. They all work fine.
cp sample.env .env vi .env docker stack deploy -c compose.yaml wiki
Long ago I changed service providers. The old service was hosted and the new one is VPS, so I moved all settings, files, and the database.
There are upgrade notes here.
Create a new LocalSettings.php file by running the Wiki installation process. Then you can copy the old one to the new machine and compare them and make appropriate edits.
Install the edited LocalSettings.php into the volume with
docker cp LocalSettings.php phpfpm:/srv
On my new set up (the one described here) I keep the images in a separate Docker volume. No particular reason, it's just how I organized things.
docker cp images phpfpm:/srv
You have to know your username and password and the name of the database. They are all exposed in the LocalSettings.php.
Dump the database to a SQL file and then copy it to the new machine.
mysqldump -u wildsong_wiki -p=IjihBq5FRYL3zX8j wildsong_wiki > old_wiki.sql
scp old_wiki.sql NEWMACHINE:
I did this by creating a docker that had access to the SQL dump file, and could connect to the running database over the 'database' virtual network.
docker run --rm -it -v pwd
/old_wiki.sql:/tmp/old_wiki.sql --network=database mariadb:latest bash
mysql -u wikiuser -p -h database wiki < /tmp/old_wiki.sql
This works but the old wiki ran on Mediawiki 1.30 and the latest is 1.38.4 which means they are not compatible.
docker exec -it phpfpm sh
cd /srv/maintenance
php update.php
I went from 1.30 to the latest (1.38.4) and it worked. Took 15s on Bellman, on 24s Tektonic.
The reverse proxy that I use with this used to be
It's now I think.