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god I used to write such shit code
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WillMatthews committed Apr 13, 2024
1 parent e394ea7 commit d8a2a88
Showing 1 changed file with 152 additions and 123 deletions.
275 changes: 152 additions & 123 deletions src/server.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -41,15 +41,20 @@
#include <chrono>
#include <ctime>
#include <sstream>
#include <nlohmann/json.hpp>
using json = nlohmann::json;

#define COL_GREEN "\033[32;1m" // Used for server messages
#define COL_YELLOW "\033[33;1m" // Used for Warnings
#define COL_RED "\033[31;1m" // Used for Errors
#define COL_RESET "\033[0m" // Reset colour in term

#define GOODBYE "==================== GOODBYE ===================="
#define RX_BINARY "==================== RX'D BINARY ===================="
#define RX_JSON "==================== RX'D JSON ===================="

// Provides the current time formatted as a string
std::string current_time(void)
std::string current_time(void) {
using namespace std;
auto time = chrono::system_clock::now();
time_t time_t = chrono::system_clock::to_time_t(time);
Expand All @@ -63,52 +68,38 @@ long message_sequence = 0; // message sequence number (how many messages ha
// [WARN] tags are yellow (orange) in stdout.
// The logging to the circular buffer RamLog logs preformatted HTML table rows, with appropriate
// CSS classes for the quoted log level.
void message_print_log(std::ostringstream &message)
void message_print_log(std::ostringstream &message) {
std::string msg = message.str();

// if no tag is defined - give the message an INFO tag.
if (!((msg.find("[INFO]") != std::string::npos) || (msg.find("[ERROR]") != std::string::npos) || (msg.find("[WARN]") != std::string::npos)))
bool tag_present = (msg.find("[INFO]") != std::string::npos) || (msg.find("[ERROR]") != std::string::npos) || (msg.find("[WARN]") != std::string::npos);
if (!tag_present) {
msg = "[INFO] " + msg;

std::string message_class = ""; // CSS class (see pages.cpp) for message
std::string COL_START = ""; // ANSI code for stdout
std::string COL_STOP = ""; // ANSI code for stdout
if (msg.find("[ERROR]") != std::string::npos)
// if message has an Error tag, give it the appropriate tags
std::string COL_START = ""; // ANSI code
std::string COL_STOP = ""; // ANSI code
if (msg.find("[ERROR]") != std::string::npos) {
message_class = "message-error";
else if (msg.find("[WARN]") != std::string::npos)
// if message has an Warning tag, give it the appropriate tags
} else if (msg.find("[WARN]") != std::string::npos) {
message_class = "message-warn";
// Otherwise, give the info tag
} else {
message_class = "message-info";

RamLog::getInstance().log("<tr><td class='sequence'>" + std::to_string(message_sequence) + "</td><td class='time'>" + current_time() + "</td><td class='message " + message_class + "'>" + msg + "</td></tr>");
std::cout << COL_START << msg << COL_STOP << std::endl;

// log web access events (IP addr and request path) as an [INFO] event
// Test status code of the response to a request. If an error status code is thrown, log as an error.
void log_access(httplib::Request req, int status)
void log_access(httplib::Request req, int status) {
std::string log_level = "[WARN] ";
if (status < 0 || status == 200)
if (status < 0 || status == 200) {
status = 200;
log_level = "[INFO] ";
Expand All @@ -117,12 +108,99 @@ void log_access(httplib::Request req, int status)

void logSimParams(std::ostringstream &message_buf, SiPM *sipm) {
auto start = chrono::system_clock::now();
time_t start_time = chrono::system_clock::to_time_t(start);
message_buf << "Started computation at\t" << ctime(&start_time);
message_buf << "dt\t\t\t" << (sipm->dt) << " s";
message_buf << "NumMicrocells\t\t" << ((double)sipm->numMicrocell);
message_buf << "vBias\t\t\t" << (sipm->vBias) << " V";
message_buf << "vBreakdown\t\t" << (sipm->vBr) << " V";
message_buf << "TauRecovery\t\t" << (sipm->tauRecovery);
message_buf << "PDEMax\t\t\t" << (sipm->pdeMax);
message_buf << "vChrPDE\t\t\t" << (sipm->vChr) << " V";
message_buf << "CCell\t\t\t" << (sipm->cCell) << " F";
message_buf << "TauPulseFWHM\t\t" << (sipm->tauFwhm) << " s";
message_buf << "DigitalThreshold\t" << (sipm->digitalThreshold);

vector<double> run_simulation(vector<double> optical_input, SiPM *sipm) {
logSimParams(message_buf, sipm);
auto start = chrono::system_clock::now();
vector<double> response = sipm->simulate(optical_input, true);

// Elapsed time
auto end = chrono::system_clock::now();
chrono::duration<double> elapsed_seconds = end - start;
message_buf << "Elapsed Time\t\t" << elapsed_seconds.count() * 1E3 << " ms";

// create output vector
vector<double> sipm_output = sipm->dump_configuration();
return sipm_output;

json populate_json(SiPM *sipm) {
json response;
response["numMicrocell"] = sipm->numMicrocell;
response["dt"] = sipm->dt;
response["vBias"] = sipm->vBias;
response["vBr"] = sipm->vBr;
response["tauRecovery"] = sipm->tauRecovery;
response["pdeMax"] = sipm->pdeMax;
response["vChr"] = sipm->vChr;
response["cCell"] = sipm->cCell;
response["tFWHM"] = sipm->tauFwhm;
response["digitalThreshold"] = sipm->digitalThreshold;
return response;

tuple<vector<double>, vector<double>> deserialise_binary(std::string data) {
size_t numBytes = data.length();
message_buf << "Deserialising " << numBytes << " bytes..." << std::endl;
bytes_processed += numBytes;

vector<double> optical_input = {};
vector<double> sipmSettingsVector = {};
unsigned char *bytes; // uchar* buffer for intermediate step converting char* to double
double recv; // Received double
char buf[8]; // char buffer (incoming chars to be converted to floats)
// Decode 8 chars to a double precision float
for (size_t i = 0; i < numBytes / 8; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
buf[j] = data[8 * i + j]; // Create buffer of char*
bytes = reinterpret_cast<unsigned char *>(&buf); // cast char* buffer to bytes
recv = *reinterpret_cast<double *>(bytes); // cast bytes to double

// First ten doubles are SiPM simulator parameters
if (i < 10) {
} else {
// Remainder of values are expected number of photons per dt striking array
return make_tuple(optical_input, sipmSettingsVector);

int requests_served = 0; // number of simulation requests served
long bytes_processed = 0; // number of bytes processed by server
std::string last_request_time = "None"; // When the last request happened

int main(void)
int main(void) {
std::cout << COL_GREEN << "\t SimSPAD Server Running" << COL_RESET << std::endl;
std::string start_time = current_time();
Expand All @@ -145,34 +223,33 @@ int main(void)
// { log_access(req, res.status); });

// If an error occurs (e.g. 404 -> redirect a user here)
srv.set_error_handler([](const auto &req, auto &res)
srv.set_error_handler([](const auto &req, auto &res) {
log_access(req, res.status);
std::string page_text = page_header("Logs");
page_text += "<p class='error'>Error Status: <span style='color:red;'>";
page_text += std::to_string(res.status) + "</span></p>";
page_text += page_footer();
res.set_content(page_text, "text/html"); });
res.set_content(page_text, "text/html");

// Landing page with basic instructions
srv.Get("/", [](const Request &req, Response &res)
srv.Get("/", [](const Request &req, Response &res) {
log_access(req, res.status);
res.set_content(page_welcome(), "text/html"); });
res.set_content(page_welcome(), "text/html");

// Halt the server
srv.Get("/stop", [&](const Request &req, Response &res)
srv.Get("/stop", [&](const Request &req, Response &res) {
std::string halttime = current_time();
std::cout << COL_RED << "\t Server halted via http" << COL_RESET << std::endl;
std::cout << COL_RED << "\t by: " << req.remote_addr << COL_RESET << std::endl;
std::cout << "Halted at time: " << halttime << std::endl;
res.set_content("Server Halted at " + halttime, "text/plain");
srv.stop(); });

// Present a user with logs of what the server has recently done
srv.Get("/logs", [&](const Request &req, Response &res)
srv.Get("/logs", [&](const Request &req, Response &res) {
log_access(req, res.status);

std::string page_text = page_header("Logs");
Expand All @@ -192,113 +269,68 @@ int main(void)

// Print the log table if the table length is greater than zero.
std::string log_text = RamLog::getInstance().getLog();
if (log_text.length() > 0)
if (log_text.length() > 0) {
page_text += "<table class='log-data'><tr><th>Seq.</th><th>Time</th><th>Data</th></tr>";
page_text += log_text;
page_text += "</table>";

page_text += "</div>" + page_footer();
res.set_content(page_text, "text/html"); });
res.set_content(page_text, "text/html");

// Run a Simulation from a POST request
srv.Post("/simspad", [](const Request &req, Response &res)
srv.Post("/v1/json", [](const Request &req, Response &res) {
last_request_time = current_time();
std::ostringstream message_buf;
using namespace std;
message_buf << "==================== GOT POST ====================" << std::endl;
message_buf << RX_JSON << std::endl;
auto data = req.body;

log_access(req, res.status);

size_t numBytes = data.length();
message_buf << "Decoding " << numBytes << " bytes..." << std::endl;
bytes_processed += numBytes;

vector<double> optical_input = {};
vector<double> sipmSettingsVector = {};
unsigned char *bytes; // uchar* buffer for intermediate step converting char* to double
double recv; // Received double
char buf[8]; // char buffer (incoming chars to be converted to floats)
// Decode 8 chars to a double precision float
for (size_t i = 0; i < numBytes / 8; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++)
buf[j] = data[8 * i + j]; // Create buffer of char*
bytes = reinterpret_cast<unsigned char *>(&buf); // cast char* buffer to bytes
recv = *reinterpret_cast<double *>(bytes); // cast bytes to double
json j = json::parse(data);

if (i < 10) // First ten doubles are SiPM simulator parameters
else // Remainder of values are expected number of photons per dt striking array
vector<double> optical_input = j["optical_input"];
SiPM *sipm = new SiPM(j["numMicrocell"], j["vBias"], j["vBr"], j["tauRecovery"], j["tFWHM"], j["digitalThreshold"], j["cCell"], j["vChr"], j["pdeMax"]);
vector<double> sipm_output = run_simulation(optical_input, sipm);

// Create SiPM
SiPM *sipm = new SiPM(sipmSettingsVector); // maybe change to a unique_ptr?
json response = populate_json(sipm);
response["sipm_output"] = sipm_output;
response["response"] = "OK";
res.set_content(response.dump(), "application/json");

// cout parameters so I can tell when someone does something stupid which breaks the server
auto start = chrono::system_clock::now();
time_t start_time = chrono::system_clock::to_time_t(start);
message_buf << "Started computation at\t" << ctime(&start_time);
message_buf << "dt\t\t\t" << (sipm->dt) << " s";
message_buf << "NumMicrocells\t\t" << ((double)sipm->numMicrocell);
message_buf << "vBias\t\t\t" << (sipm->vBias) << " V";
message_buf << "vBreakdown\t\t" << (sipm->vBr) << " V";
message_buf << "TauRecovery\t\t" << (sipm->tauRecovery);
message_buf << "PDEMax\t\t\t" << (sipm->pdeMax);
message_buf << "vChrPDE\t\t\t" << (sipm->vChr) << " V";
message_buf << "CCell\t\t\t" << (sipm->cCell) << " F";
message_buf << "TauPulseFWHM\t\t" << (sipm->tauFwhm) << " s";
message_buf << "DigitalThreshold\t" << (sipm->digitalThreshold);
delete sipm;
message_buf << GOODBYE;

// Simulate
bool silence = true;
vector<double> response = sipm->simulate(optical_input, silence);

// Print Elapsed Time (allow debugging)
auto end = chrono::system_clock::now();
chrono::duration<double> elapsed_seconds = end - start;
message_buf << "Elapsed Time\t\t" << elapsed_seconds.count() * 1E3 << " ms";
// Run a Simulation from a POST request
srv.Post("/v1/bin", [](const Request &req, Response &res) {
last_request_time = current_time();
std::ostringstream message_buf;
using namespace std;
message_buf << RX_BINARY << std::endl;
auto data = req.body;
log_access(req, res.status);
tuple<vector<double>, vector<double>> input = deserialise_binary(data);

// create output vector
vector<double> sipm_output = sipm->dump_configuration();
// Create SiPM & simulate
SiPM *sipm = new SiPM(sipmSettingsVector); // maybe change to a unique_ptr?
vector<double> sipm_output = run_simulation(optical_input, sipm);

// concat SiPM simulation output on end of input parameters
sipm_output.insert(sipm_output.end(), response.begin(), response.end());

// create output string. char* (in blocks of 8 for each double) are appended
// for the output via the web response
string outputString = "";

// recycle buffer char buf[8] from earlier
for (unsigned long i = 0; i < (unsigned long)sipm_output.size(); i++)
char buf[8];
for (unsigned long i = 0; i < (unsigned long)sipm_output.size(); i++) {
memcpy(&buf, &sipm_output[i], sizeof(buf));
for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++)
for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
Expand All @@ -307,14 +339,11 @@ int main(void)
res.set_content(outputString, "text/plain");

// Clean up - make 100% sure large variables are deleted
delete sipm;
// large vars: bytes data recv optical_input response outputString sipm_output
// These are destroyed automatically when ending a transaction with the server. (not a pointer)

message_buf << "==================== GOODBYE ====================";
message_print_log(message_buf); });
message_buf << GOODBYE;

srv.listen("", 33232);

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