cargo run --example from_hex_file
Implements an 8-bit PIC12F508 microcontroller. Programs can be loaded from
hex-files (compiled by the mplab pic-as.exe compiler) or written directly as opcodes in rust.
Instructions in the 12F508 are 12 bits wide. These can be encoded and decoded by the OpCode
associated functions.
- All instructions of the pic baseline instruction set (33 instructions)
- Instruction encoding (to 12-bit words) and decoding (to structs in rust)
- Program branches and regular linear execution
- Branches 2-cycle delay
- 2 levels deep call stack for
instructions - GPIO input and output
- TMR0 with prescale, and 2-cycle delay after TMR0 reg write
- Indirect adressing via INDF and FSR registers
- STATUS bits affected by arithmetic operations
- WD timer with timeouts
and wake from sleep- MCLR reset
- TMR0 in counter mode
- config word settings
- Small assembly compiler