These are random code snippets and projects from learning how to program in Java and Android.
Flu Aware
Flu Aware is your cheat sheet to learning about the flu quickly. Flu facts and prevention tips are summarized and presented in a fun, easy to understand format on Android devices. Flu Aware also serves as a resource in finding additional information and services regarding the flu. You're one click away from receiving the latest podcasts or text message updates straight from the CDC. Available for download on the Google Play Store here
Happily Ever After
A 'Choose Your Own Adventure' game. I tried a few different versions of it, some with a JRPG combat system (ala Final Fantasy game series), a text only version, and one with embedded animations/images. These files that I recovered were from an old hard drive (before I used GitHub) so I'm not sure the state of their completeness.
HelloworldJava / HelloworldJavaIntermediate
Notes and sample programs from the New Boston's Java tutorials.
A computer science course on Android development combined with the New Boston's Android tutorials.