The ground truth was captured via a GoPro, by tracking an ArUco marker's pose (Original ArUco, id=1, 100mm).
Video: assets/slammy_ground_truth_two_loops.avi
The calibrated images can be dowloaded from: (810Mb).
Calibration workflow:
Raw -> Linear (via fis eye calibration)
Following this:
Linear -> Rectangular (via homography and known ground points).
As explaine here:
Use openCV to track an AruCo marker:
The marker was roughly located by hand. The exact pixel coordinates and the orientation was then determined in openCV.
The transformation of pixel coordinate x = [x_pix y_pix]
to a world coordinate X = [x_world y_world]
can be done by: X=R*x+t
R =
-1.1096e-06 -0.001002
-0.00099834 -4.9957e-06
t =
5.0288 7.4108
Note: Due to the homography, this transformation is only valid for objects with Z=0.4m. This is equal to height of the ArUco marker in all images.
The file slammy_ground_truth_two_loops.txt contains the path world and pixel coordinates, along with the estimated pose and the image.
X[m],Y[m],Heading [deg],Time,piX,piY,Path_to_Image
0.005,-0.003,7.2,16-Jul-2021 15:30:51,7402,5006,G0019266_linear_linear_rectangle.jpg
0.004,-0.003,5.9,16-Jul-2021 15:30:51,7401,5006,G0019267_linear_linear_rectangle.jpg
0.005,-0.003,7.2,16-Jul-2021 15:30:52,7402,5006,G0019268_linear_linear_rectangle.jpg
0.005,-0.003,6.5,16-Jul-2021 15:30:52,7401,5006,G0019269_linear_linear_rectangle.jpg
0.004,-0.004,6.6,16-Jul-2021 15:30:53,7402,5006,G0019270_linear_linear_rectangle.jpg
0.005,-0.003,7.7,16-Jul-2021 15:30:54,7402,5006,G0019271_linear_linear_rectangle.jpg
0.004,-0.003,6.6,16-Jul-2021 15:30:54,7402,5006,G0019272_linear_linear_rectangle.jpg
0.005,-0.003,7.8,16-Jul-2021 15:30:54,7401,5006,G0019273_linear_linear_rectangle.jpg
The coordinate system is defined as follows:
Note: Due to the homography, this transformation is only valid for objects with Z=0.4m. This is equal to height of the ArUco marker in all images.