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7-Zip 24.07 Sources

7-Zip is a file archiver for Windows. 

7-Zip Copyright (C) 1999-2024 Igor Pavlov.

License Info

7-Zip is free software distributed under the GNU LGPL 
(except for unRar code). Also some  code
is licensed under the "BSD 3-clause License".
Read "License.txt" for more infomation about license.

Notes about unRAR license:

Please check main restriction from unRar license:

   2. The unRAR sources may be used in any software to handle RAR
      archives without limitations free of charge, but cannot be used
      to re-create the RAR compression algorithm, which is proprietary.
      Distribution of modified unRAR sources in separate form or as a
      part of other software is permitted, provided that it is clearly
      stated in the documentation and source comments that the code may
      not be used to develop a RAR (WinRAR) compatible archiver.

In brief it means:
1) You can compile and use compiled files under GNU LGPL rules, since 
   unRAR license almost has no restrictions for compiled files.
   You can link these compiled files to LGPL programs.
2) You can fix bugs in source code and use compiled fixed version.
3) You can not use unRAR sources to re-create the RAR compression algorithm.


This package also contains some files from LZMA SDK
You can download LZMA SDK from:
LZMA SDK is written and placed in the public domain by Igor Pavlov.

How to compile in Windows

To compile the sources to Windows binaries you need Visual Studio compiler and/or Windows SDK.
You can use latest Windows Studio 2017/2019/2022 to compile binaries for x86, x64, arm64 and arm platforms.
Also you can use old compilers for some platforms:
  x86   : Visual C++ 6.0 with Platform SDK
  x64   : Windows Server 2003 R2 Platform SDK
  ia64 (itanium)  : Windows Server 2003 R2 Platform SDK
  arm for Windows CE : Standard SDK for Windows CE 5.0

If you use MSVC6, specify also Platform SDK directories at top of directories lists:
Tools / Options / Directories
  - Include files
  - Library files

Also you need Microsoft Macro Assembler:
  - ml.exe for x86 
  - ml64.exe for x64
You can use ml.exe from Windows SDK for Windows Vista or some later versions.

There are two ways to compile 7-Zip binaries:
1) via makefile in command line.
2) via dsp file in Visual Studio.

The dsp file compiling can be used for development and debug purposes.
All final 7-Zip binaries are compiled via makefiles, that provide best
optimization options.

How to compile with makefile

Some macronames can be defined for compiling with makefile:

  with possible values: x64, x86, arm64, arm, ia64

  for old VC compiler, like MSCV 6.0.

  for dynamic linking to the run-time library (msvcrt.dll). 
  The default makefile option is static linking to the run-time library.

Compiling 7-Zip for Unix/Linux

There are several options to compile 7-Zip with different compilers: gcc and clang.
Also 7-Zip code contains two versions for some parts of code: in C and in Assembeler.
So if you compile the version with Assembeler code, you will get faster 7-Zip binary.

7-Zip's assembler code uses the following syntax for different platforms:

1) x86 and x86-64 (AMD64): MASM syntax. 
   There are 2 programs that supports MASM syntax in Linux.
'    'Asmc Macro Assembler and JWasm. But JWasm now doesn't support some 
      cpu instructions used in 7-Zip.
   So you must install Asmc Macro Assembler in Linux, if you want to compile fastest version
   of 7-Zip  x86 and x86-64:

2) arm64: GNU assembler for ARM64 with preprocessor. 
   That systax is supported by GCC and CLANG for ARM64.

There are different binaries that can be compiled from 7-Zip source.
There are 2 main files in folder for compiling:
  makefile        - that can be used for compiling Windows version of 7-Zip with nmake command
  makefile.gcc    - that can be used for compiling Linux/macOS versions of 7-Zip or Windows version 
                    with MINGW (GCC) with make command.
At first you must change the current folder to folder that contains `makefile.gcc`:

  cd CPP/7zip/Bundles/Alone2

Then you can compile `makefile.gcc` with the command:

  make -j -f makefile.gcc

Also there are additional "*.mak" files in folder "CPP/7zip/" that can be used to compile 
7-Zip binaries with optimized code and optimzing options.

To compile with GCC without assembler:
  cd CPP/7zip/Bundles/Alone2
  make -j -f ../../cmpl_gcc.mak

To compile with CLANG without assembler:
  make -j -f ../../cmpl_clang.mak

To compile 7-Zip for x86-64 with asmc assembler:
  make -j -f ../../cmpl_gcc_x64.mak

To compile 7-Zip for arm64 with assembler:
  make -j -f ../../cmpl_gcc_arm64.mak

To compile 7-Zip for arm64 for macOS:
  make -j -f ../../cmpl_mac_arm64.mak

Also you can change some compiler options in the "mak" files:

makefile.gcc supports some variables that can change compile options

  use JWasm assembler instead of Asmc.
  Note that JWasm doesn't support AES instructions. So AES code from C version AesOpt.c 
  will be used instead of assembler code from AesOpt.asm.

  removes whole RAR related code from compilation.

  removes "not fully free" code of RAR decompression codecs from compilation.

RAR decompression codecs in 7-Zip code has some additional license restrictions, 
that can be treated as not fully compatible with free-software licenses.
DISABLE_RAR_COMPRESS=1 allows to exclude such "not-fully-free" RAR code from compilation.
if DISABLE_RAR_COMPRESS=1 is specified, 7-zip will not be able to decompress files 
from rar archives, but 7-zip still will be able to open rar archives to get list of 
files or to extract files that are stored without compression.
if DISABLE_RAR=1 is specified, 7-zip will not be able to work with RAR archives.

7-Zip and p7zip
Now there are two different ports of 7-Zip for Linux/macOS:

1) p7zip - another port of 7-Zip for Linux, made by an independent developer.
   The latest version of p7zip now is 16.02, and that p7zip 16.02 is outdated now. 

2) 7-Zip for Linux/macOS - this package - it's new code with all changes from latest 7-Zip for Windows.

These two ports are not identical. 
Note also that some Linux specific things can be implemented better in p7zip than in new 7-Zip for Linux.

7-Zip consists of COM modules (DLL files).
But 7-Zip doesn't use standard COM interfaces for creating objects.
Look at
7zip\UI\Client7z folder for example of using DLL files of 7-Zip. 
Some DLL files can use other DLL files from 7-Zip.
If you don't like it, you must use standalone version of DLL.
To compile standalone version of DLL you must include all used parts
to project and define some defs. 
For example, 7zip\Bundles\Format7z is a standalone version  of 7z.dll 
that works with 7z format. So you can use such DLL in your project 
without additional DLL files.

Description of 7-Zip sources package

DOC Documentation

readme.txt - Readme file src-history.txt - Sources history 7zC.txt - 7z ANSI-C Decoder description 7zFormat.txt - 7z format description Methods.txt - Compression method IDs lzma.txt - LZMA compression description License.txt - license information copying.txt - GNU LGPL license unRarLicense.txt - License for unRAR part of source code 7zip.wxs - installer script for WIX 7zip.hhp - html help project file

Asm - Source code in Assembler : optimized code for CRC, SHA, AES, LZMA decoding.

C - Source code in C

CPP - Source code in C++

Common common files for C++ projects

Windows common files for Windows related code


Common Common modules for 7-zip

Archive files related to archiving

Bundle Modules that are bundles of other modules (files)

Alone         7za.exe: Standalone version of 7-Zip console that supports only 7z/xz/cab/zip/gzip/bzip2/tar.
Alone2        7zz.exe: Standalone version of 7-Zip console that supports all formats.
Alone7z       7zr.exe: Standalone version of 7-Zip console that supports only 7z (reduced version)
Fm            Standalone version of 7-Zip File Manager
Format7z            7za.dll:  .7z support
Format7zExtract     7zxa.dll: .7z support, extracting only
Format7zR           7zr.dll:  .7z support, reduced version
Format7zExtractR    7zxr.dll: .7z support, reduced version, extracting only
Format7zF           7z.dll:   all formats
LzmaCon       lzma.exe: LZMA compression/decompression
SFXCon        7zCon.sfx: Console 7z SFX module
SFXWin        7z.sfx: Windows 7z SFX module
SFXSetup      7zS.sfx: Windows 7z SFX module for Installers

Compress files for compression / decompression

Crypto files for encryption / decryption


Agent         Intermediary modules for FAR plugin and Explorer plugin
Client7z      Test application for 7za.dll 
Common        Common UI files
Console       7z.exe : Console version
Explorer      7-zip.dll: 7-Zip Shell extension
Far           plugin for Far Manager
FileManager   7zFM.exe: 7-Zip File Manager
GUI           7zG.exe: 7-Zip GUI version

Igor Pavlov