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Calvin edited this page Apr 19, 2018 · 4 revisions

Notes on tables

Legacy, unknown, unused, or future use columns withheld. Key information is not shown. It may be out of date; when in doubt, consult the source code or install script in deploy/install.sql to see how objects from the database are used.

BoolEnum is a non-nullable (unless stated otherwise) Enum(True, False).


Set up triggers like this so INSERTing new items will give them proper IDs. Do it for downloads, flags, mirrors, products, screenshots, releases, and users.

CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` TRIGGER `BeforeCreateDownload` BEFORE INSERT ON `Downloads` FOR EACH ROW BEGIN


	`_uuid` TINYTEXT
RETURNS binary(16)
	RETURN UNHEX(REPLACE(_uuid, '-', ''));


Name Type Purpose
ProductUUID Binary(16) Not Null A product UUID.
Name Varchar(150) Not Null The product's human-readable name.
Slug Varchar(100) The product's URL-friendly name.
Notes Text Not Null The product description, in Markdown.
Type Enum('OS', 'Game', 'Application', 'DevTool', 'System') Not Null Default Application The category of the product.
ProductCreated Timestamp The date the product was added to the database.
DefaultRelease Binary (16) The UUID of the release to default to when none is selected.
ApplicationTags Set('Word Processor','Spreadsheet',[...]) If an application, what kind it is.


Name Type Purpose
ProductUUID Binary(16) Not Null The associated product's UUID.
ReleaseUUID Binary(16) Not Null A release UUID.
Name Varchar(50) Not Null The release's name.
VendorName Varchar(50) The release vendor's name.
Slug Varchar(100) The release's URL friendly name.
ReleaseOrder Int(11) Not Null How releases should be ordered when displayed in a list.
ReleaseDate Timestamp The release date of the product.
EndOfLife Timestamp The date the product had support ended.
FuzzyDate BoolEnum Default False If the date should only have the year displayed.
RAMRequirement Int(10) How much RAM, in bytes, is required to run this release.
CPURequirement Varchar(50) What CPU is required to run this release.
DiskSpaceRequired Int(10) How much free disk space, in bytes, is required to run this release.
Type Enum('GUI', Text') Default 'GUI' What interface this release has.
InstallInstructions LongText Notes on how to install the release.
Notes LongText Notes on the release.
Platform Set('DOS','CPM','Windows','OS2','Unix','Linux','MacOS','Mac OS X','DOSShell','Other') What OSes this release runs on.


Name Type Purpose
ReleaseUUID Binary(16) The associated release UUID.
Serial Varchar(500) The serial.


Name Type Purpose
ScreenshotUUID Binary(16) Not Null The screenshot's UUID.
ReleaseUUID Binary(16) The associated release's UUID.
Title Varchar(750) A caption associated.
ScreenshotFile Varchar(350) The screenshot's filename, without path.


Name Type Purpose
DLUUID Binary(16) Not Null) The UUID of the download.
Name Varchar(150) Not Null The download's name.
Version Varchar(40) Not Null The download's version.
RTM EnumBool Default True If the download is of a finished version.
SHA1Sum Binary(20) Not Null The SHA1 of the file.
DownloadPath Text Not Null Where the file is.
ImageType Enum('Archive','35Floppy','525Floppy','CDISO','DVDISO','VPC','VMWARE','VBOX') Not Null Default 'Archive' What type the file is.
Arch Set('x86','x86-32','m68k','ppc','amd64','mos6502','ppc64','SPARC','SPARC64','MIPS','MIPS64','Alpha','Other') Not Null Default 'x86' What CPUs the download runs on.
Information Text Notes about the download.
ReleaseUUID Binary(16) The associated release.
Upgrade EnumBool Default False If the download requires a previous version of the product to be installed.
Language Varchar(50) Not Null Default English The language of the download.
FileSize BigInt(20) The size of the file, in bytes.
FileName VarChar(250) The file's name.
ContributionUUID Binary(16) The association contribution.
CreatedDate Timestamp When the download was added.
LastUpdated Timestamp When the download was last changed.


Name Type Purpose
MirrorUUID Binary(16) The ID of the mirror.
DownloadUUID Binary(16) The ID of the download.


Name Type Purpose
MirrorUUID Binary(16) Not Null The mirror's UUID.
MirrorName Varchar(50) Not Null The human-readable name of the mirror.
Hostname Varchar(50) The hostname of the mirror.
IsOnline EnumBool Null If the mirror is online and working.
Location Varchar(50) The mirror's location.
Country Enum('FR','UK','US','JP','EU','CA') What country or region the mirror is in.


Name Type Purpose
UserID Binary(16) Not Null The user's UUID.
Email Varchar(80) Not Null The user's email.
AccountEnabled EnumBool Default True If the user can log in.
Password Varchar(64) Not Null The user's password, in SHA-1, or bcrypt. (prefixed by $)
Salt Varchar(64) If using SHA-1, the salt applied to the user's password before hashing. Not used for bcrypt.
ShortName Varchar(64) The user's name.
RegistrationTime Timestamp Not Null When the user registered.
LastSeenTime Timestamp Not Null When the user last logged in.
RegistrationIP Varchar(45) Not Null The IP the account was created from.
ThemeName Varchar(50) Not Null Default "default" A theme name. Reserved for future use.


Name Type Purpose
FlagUUID Binary(16) Not Null The UUID of the flag.
UserUUID Binary(16) Not Null The UUID of the user.
Added Timestamp Not Null When the right was added.


Name Type Purpose
FlagUUID Binary(16) Not Null The UUID of the flag.
FlagName Varchar(15) Not Null The short name of the flag. ("sa" and "vip" are used for now.)
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