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A deployed, budget full stack website in Python with Streamlit (Python Framework) and Firebase (API)'s Realtime Database. (Karaoke Singer Registration Streamlit (Python) web application) (Song queue display Streamlit (Python) web application)

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18.-Deployed-Streamlit-Python-and-Firebase-Web-Application-Project-for-a-Karaoke-Event My Skills My Skills

The project task is to create a supporting technology project to support a Karaoke Event (titled SingUTD), organised by me and other members of the student committee of our school. To meet the tasks required, I have decided to create this deployed, budget full stack website in Python with Streamlit (Python Framework) and Firebase (API)'s Realtime Database.

I described this project as a 'budget' full stack website as this website is built on top of existing frameworks, rather than from scratch (basic programming languages such as via HTML, CSS, JavaScript, SQL, etc.)

This repository acts as the 'code base' of the 2 deployed Streamlit (Python Framework) Web Applications in the Streamlit (Python Framework) cloud deployment platform (link:, where any changes in the code in this repository will directly affect the output, the 2 deployed Streamlit (Python Framework) Web Applications in the Streamlit (Python Framework) cloud deployment platform.

Potential Improvements:

  • Automating the process, where after the end of a song, the song queue removes the top singer in the song queue who has completed their song
  • Add a functionality where the registration Streamlit (Python Framework) Web Application tells the user, upon submitting their registration details, how many other users are in front of them in the song queue

Additional source(s):

My Approach to developing this UROP project:

The approach to developing this UROP project is split into 3 components:
2 Web Applications using Streamlit (Python Framework), linked together via 1 Firebase (API)'s Realtime Database. The first Web Application allows users to submit their name and song choice via a Streamlit (Python) website link, where the data will then be added into the Firebase (API)'s Realtime Database, where the other Streamlit (Python) Web Application will draw the data from to display the data in a song queue on a projected screen during the Karaoke Event to show whoever is the next singer and their song choice.

This project's deployed Streamlit (Python Framework)'s Web Applications and Firebase (API) links:

Table of Contents

Here is a directory to explain the purpose of each file in this repository:

  1. Files that are required in the creation of the Streamlit and Firebase Web Application Project for a Karaoke Event

    1. '.streamlit' folder
      i. 'config.toml' file
    2. '' file
    3. 'firebase_key.json' file
    4. 'karaoke_poster.jpg' file
    5. '' file
    6. '' file
    7. '' file
    8. 'requirements.txt' file
    9. '' file
  2. Additional files that are not part of the creation of the Streamlit and Firebase Web Application Project for a Karaoke Event, but includes the past iterations/versions/prototypes of the Streamlit and Firebase Web Application Project for a Karaoke Event

    1. (main, using Firebase as database) Streamlit (Python Framework) and Firebase ROOTech Karaoke Night project
    2. (prototype, using csv file as database) Streamlit (Python Framework) ROOTech Karaoke Night project
  3. Additional files that are not part of the creation of the Streamlit and Firebase Web Application Project for a Karaoke Event, but includes my learning journey of some of the required technology being used in this project that I was not familiar with

    1. Streamlit (Python Framework) learn
    2. Firebase (Python Framework) learn
  4. Deployment Process of the Streamlit and Firebase Web Application Project for a Karaoke Event on Streamlit Cloud

1. Files that are required in the creation of the Streamlit and Firebase Web Application Project for a Karaoke Event

1. '.streamlit' folder
i. config.toml' file

# This 'config.toml' file sets the custom theming of the Streamlit (Python) web applications. This file is created using ChatGPT.
primaryColor = '#1a237e'  # Set your desired primary color
backgroundColor = '#121212'  # Set your desired background color
secondaryBackgroundColor = '#0d47a1'  # Set your desired secondary background color
textColor = '#ffffff'  # Set your desired text color
font = 'sans-serif'  # Set your desired font

This is an optional folder/file, in accordance to the deployment of Streamlit (Python Framework) Web Application documentation: (Streamlit Cloud), which allows you to set customised configurations or themings to the deployed Streamlit (Python Framework) Web Application.

I do not know how to use this 'config.toml' file very proficiently, so this file is created by ChatGPT to set the dark theming to my 2 deployed Streamlit (Python Framework) Web Applications.

2. '' file
The '' file.

3. 'firebase_key.json' file

  "type": "service_account",
  "project_id": "karaokeeventproject",
  "private_key_id": "502b60b589f5df059a8acda78671bd70693d099d",
  "private_key": "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----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\ncjwn2PttAYre+rFUaDICVw==\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----\n",
  "client_email": "",
  "client_id": "106409655899062355465",
  "auth_uri": "",
  "token_uri": "",
  "auth_provider_x509_cert_url": "",
  "client_x509_cert_url": "",
  "universe_domain": ""

This file represents the authetication key. Apparently, when accessing to APIs (such as the Firebase API), you will need to have a sort of, authentication key, which is what this file is to ensure that only authorized users can access the API. Refer to this video to understand how the Firebase API authentication key is used with your Python code: (Code First with Hala)

4. 'karaoke_poster.jpg' file

An image used for aesthetic purposes in the song registration Streamlit (Python Framework) Web Application.

5. '' file

class KaraokeSinger:
    def __init__(self, name, song_choice, song_artist): = name
        self.song_choice = song_choice
        self.song_artist = song_artist

    #Just want to be able to see the 'KaraokeSinger' object's attribute in the terminal when it is printed rather than
    #a 'KaraokeSinger' object
    def __repr__(self):
        return "KaraokeSinger('{}', '{}', '{}')".format(, self.song_choice, self.song_artist)
    #Allows the 'KaraokeSinger' object to be recreated as a dictionary so it can be used to be reuploaded into the csv 
    #database in '' file
    def as_dict(self):
        return {'name':, 'song_choice': self.song_choice, 'song_artist': self.song_artist}

A supporting OOP Python 'Karaoke Singer' class file used in building the project.

6. '' file

from collections import deque

class Queue:
    def __init__(self):
        self.buffer = deque()

    def enqueue(self,value):

    def dequeue(self):
        return self.buffer.pop()

    def front_element(self):
        return self.buffer[-1]
    def last_element(self):
        return self.buffer[0]
    def is_empty(self):
        return len(self.buffer) == 0
    def size(self):
        return len(self.buffer)
    def __repr__(self):
        return '{}'.format(self.buffer)

A supporting OOP Python Queue Data Structure class file used in building the project, for the song queue Streamlit (Python Framework) Web Application.

7. '' file
The main Python file for the song registration Streamlit (Python Framework) Web Application itself.

8. 'requirements.txt' file


This is a compulsory file, in accordance to the deployment of Streamlit (Python Framework) Web Application documentation: (Streamlit Cloud), which allows you to tell Streamlit (Python Framework) to download the necessary external libraries/framework/packages specified in this 'requirements.txt' file in the deployment environment that is required for the deployment of the Streamlit (Python Framework) Web Application.

Had quite the trouble during deployment of the Streamlit (Python Framework) Web Applications as the Streamlit deployment platform keep giving an error that it could not find the relevant external libraries/Framework/packages required to deploy my Streamlit (Python Framework) Web Applications until I found out in the deployment of Streamlit (Python Framework) Web Application documentation: (Streamlit Cloud) that apparently I needed this seperate 'requirements.txt' file in order to tell the Streamlit deployment platform to download the necessary external libraries/framework/packages during the deployment of the Streamlit (Python Framework) Web Applications.

Apparently, the 'requirements.txt' file is a common practice across various deployment platforms in Python, not just for Streamlit (Python Framework) Cloud. Whether you are deploying your Streamlit app on platforms like Heroku, AWS, Vercel, or others, specifying dependencies in a 'requirements.txt' file allows the platform to understand and install the necessary packages.

9. '' file
The main Python file for the song queue Streamlit (Python Framework) Web Application itself.


2. Past iterations/versions/prototypes of the Streamlit and Firebase Web Application Project for a Karaoke Event

  1. (main, using Firebase as database) Streamlit (Python Framework) and Firebase ROOTech Karaoke Night project
    Consists of the files that contains the code for the main version of the Streamlit (Python Framework) Web Application Project with the Firebase (API). (excludes the supporting files required for deployment of the Streamlit (Python Framework) and Firebase (API) Web Application Project with detailed namings of the files)

  1. (prototype, using csv file as database) Streamlit (Python Framework) ROOTech Karaoke Night project
    Consists of the files that contains the prototype version of the Streamlit (Python Framework) Web Application Project, but it uses a CSV file as a 'database' rather than the Firebase (API). However, a senior eventually mentioned that this will not work as a CSV file is not dynamic, and will be unchangable/static when it is deployed, which will not work as the project needs to be dynamic, where the database needs to be able to be constantly updated during the deployment. This is where the connecting the 2 Streamlit Web Applications to an alternate database such as Firebase (API)'s Realtime Database solves the problem.

3. My learning journey of some of the required technology being used in this project that I was not familiar with

Due to my lack of knowledge in some of the required technology being used in the Streamlit and Firebase Web Application Project for a Karaoke Event , I had to first learn them, which includes:

  1. *Streamlit (Python Framework) learn
    Consists of my learning journey of the Streamlit Python Framework.

    What is Streamlit (Python Framework)?
    Streamlit is a Python Framework for developing Web Applications especially for Data Science, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence.


  1. Firebase (Python Framework) learn
    Consists of my learning journey of the Firebase Python Framework.

    What is Firebase (Python Framework)?
    Firebase is a platform provided by Google for building web and mobile applications. It offers a wide range of services and tools that help developers create high-quality applications more easily and efficiently. One of the services provided by Firebase is the Realtime Database, which is a NoSQL cloud-hosted database that allows you to store and synchronize data in real-time.

    It is a seperate software, but you can use the Firebase Python library, 'firebase_admin' to integrate functionality of this seperate Firebase software into your Python projects to allow you to allow your Python projects here to interact with your seperate backend Firebase software.


4. Deployment Process of the Streamlit and Firebase Web Application Project for a Karaoke Event on Streamlit Cloud My Skills

What is Streamlit Cloud?
From the official Streamlit Cloud website: 'Streamlit Cloud is a new product that lets you build, deploy, and share data from Streamlit Web Applications in minutes.'

Honestly, the documentation on how to deploy a Streamlit (Python Framework) Web Application on Streamlit Cloud (link: explains very clearly step by step on how to deploy a Streamlit Web Application on Streamlit Cloud. Once deployed correctly, I got a direct '' link to the Streamlit Web Application, which I can then share with others to try out this Streamlit Web Application.



A deployed, budget full stack website in Python with Streamlit (Python Framework) and Firebase (API)'s Realtime Database. (Karaoke Singer Registration Streamlit (Python) web application) (Song queue display Streamlit (Python) web application)







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