Types and utility functions to easily generate OpenAI GPT prompts for chatting with the AI.
import { Configuration, OpenAIApi } from "openai";
import { AIPersona, ModelConfiguration, ConversationPromptService } from "@wisegpt/gpt-conversation-prompt";
const aiPersona: AIPersona = {
name: "WiseGPT",
instructions: `When providing code examples, use triple backticks.`,
personality: `You are a software engineer.`,
const modelConfiguration: ModelConfiguration = {
model: "text-davinci-003",
max_tokens: 1000,
const openAIApi = new OpenAIApi(new Configuration({ apiKey: "<<your-secret>>" }));
const conversationPromptService = new ConversationPromptService(openAIApi);
async function exampleUsage() {
const { text, usage } = await conversationPromptService.completion({
prompt: {
conversation: {
messages: [
text: "hello",
author: { type: "USER", id: "user-1" },
text: "hello, there. how can I help you?",
author: { type: "BOT" },
text: "can you write me fibonacci function in a recursive manner in Typescript?",
author: { type: "USER", id: "user-1" },
console.log(JSON.stringify({ text, usage }));
Below is an example usage which includes summary and re-using the summarized conversation to keeping the conversation going and summarizing again.
import { Configuration, OpenAIApi } from "openai";
import { AIPersona, ModelConfiguration, ConversationPromptService, Author, Conversation } from "@wisegpt/gpt-conversation-prompt";
const aiPersona: AIPersona = {
name: "WiseGPT",
instructions: `When providing code examples, use triple backticks.`,
personality: `You are a software engineer.`,
const modelConfiguration: ModelConfiguration = {
model: "text-davinci-003",
max_tokens: 1000,
const openAIApi = new OpenAIApi(new Configuration({ apiKey: "<<your-secret>>" }));
const conversationPromptService = new ConversationPromptService(openAIApi);
async function exampleUsage() {
const authors: Record<string, Author> = {
user1: { type: "USER", id: "EU01" },
user2: { type: "USER", id: "EU02" },
const conversation1: Conversation = {
messages: [
text: "My name is Yigitcan.",
author: authors.user1,
text: "My name is Tolga.",
author: authors.user2,
const botResponse1 = await conversationPromptService.completion({
prompt: { conversation: conversation1, aiPersona },
console.log(JSON.stringify({ botResponse1 }));
// add bots response to the conversation
text: botResponse1.text,
author: { type: "BOT" },
const summaryResponse1 = await conversationPromptService.summary({
prompt: { conversation: conversation1, aiPersona },
console.log(JSON.stringify({ summaryResponse1 }));
// create a whole new conversation with the summary and a new message
const conversation2 = {
summary: summaryResponse1.summary,
messages: [
text: "what is my name? and what is the capital of Turkey?",
author: authors.user1,
const botResponse2 = await conversationPromptService.completion({
prompt: { conversation: conversation2, aiPersona },
console.log(JSON.stringify({ botResponse2 }));
// add bots response to the conversation
text: botResponse1.text,
author: { type: "BOT" },
const summaryResponse2 = await conversationPromptService.summary({
prompt: { conversation: conversation2, aiPersona },
console.log(JSON.stringify({ summaryResponse2 }));
exampleUsage().catch((err) => {