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Contributing to drozer

metall0id edited this page Nov 26, 2014 · 2 revisions

So, you want to extend drozer by adding extra modules? Or extend the framework? Fix a bug? That’s great! It is really easy to do.

Please Fork our develop branch (that’s where all the cool new features live). Make your changes, and issue a pull request (against the develop branch). This will allow us to review you modifications and merge them into the next release.

A few tips for getting your changes accepted:

  • There should be a 1:1 correlation between bug fixes/features/modules and pull requests. This reduces the amount of code we have to review, and speeds up the rate at which we can merge requests.
  • Your pull request should be broken down into logical commits, in which every change has a common purpose. This should have a descriptive commit message explaining the nature of the change, and why it was necessary.
  • If your pull request addresses an open issue, that issue should be referenced in each commit. For instance “Starting to work on feature xyz. #192”. The final commit should indicate that it closes the issue: “Implemented feature xyz. Closes #1”.

If you are writing drozer modules, we urge you to follow a process of responsible disclosure before publishing an exploit.

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