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Java library which provides easy connectivity to WolkAbout IoT Platform.


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WolkAbout Java Connector for connecting devices to WolkAbout IoT Platform instance.

Supported device communication protocols:

  • WolkAbout Protocol


You can import it in your project using gradle or maven configurations below.
Include WolkConnect-Java library to project.


repositories {

dependencies {
    compile 'com.wolkabout:wolk:4.0.0'




Example Usage

Create a device on WolkAbout IoT platform by using the provided Simple example device type.
This device type fits the Simple example and demonstrates periodic the sending of a temperature sensor reading. After creating the device on the Platform, copy the provided credentials into deviceKey and password.

Establishing MQTT connection with the platform:

final Wolk wolk = Wolk.builder()


This will establish the connection to platform and subscribe to channels used for actuation and configuration commands.

Adding feed values:

wolk.addFeed("T", 24.5);

// Multi-value sensor reading
wolk.addFeed("ACL", Arrays.asList(0.4, 0.2, 0.0));


Data publish strategy:

If data persistence is disabled, sensor data and alarms will be sent immediately. If data persistence is enabled, sensor data and alarms can be sent by calling:


or enabling automatic publishing by calling


Disconnecting from the platform:


Additional functionality:

WolkConnect-Java library has integrated additional features which can perform full WolkAbout IoT platform potential. See the full feature set example HERE.

Enabling device actuators:

Provide an implementation of onFeedsReceived and getActuatorStatus:

final Wolk wolk = Wolk.builder()
		.feed(new FeedHandler() {
            public void onFeedsReceived(Collection<Feed> receivedFeeds) {
      "Feeds received " + receivedFeeds);
                for (Feed feed : receivedFeeds) {
                    if (feed.getReference().equals(feeds.getHeartbeatReference())) {
                    } else if (feed.getReference().equals(feeds.getSwitchReference())) {

            public Feed getFeedValue(String reference) {
                if (reference.equals(feeds.getHeartbeatReference())) {
                    return new Feed(feeds.heartbeatReference, String.valueOf(feeds.heartbeatValue));
                } else if (reference.equals(feeds.getSwitchReference())) {
                    return new Feed(feeds.getSwitchReference(), String.valueOf(feeds.switchValue));

                return null;

File management & firmware update

To enable these features, you need to invoke the methods in the builder.

File Management
final Wolk wolk = Wolk.builder()

/** You can use
    enableFileManagement() - use everything default
    enableFileManagement(String fileManagementLocation) - use a specific file location
    enableFileManagement(UrlFileDownloader urlFileDownloader) - use a custom url file downloader
    enableFileManagement(String fileManagementLocation, UrlFileDownloader urlFileDownloader) - use both custom **/

You might want to implement a custom UrlFileDownloader object. This allows you to inject custom logic for downloading the file, based on the given URL. The default HTTP location will just target the request with GET method, without any arguments/headers.

The interface looks like this:

public interface UrlFileDownloader {
    Map.Entry<FileTransferStatus, FileTransferError> downloadFile(String fileUrl);
Firmware Update

Very important note - if you have not enabled the file management, this will enable it. You can pass arguments through this call to, to configure the file management in the way you want.

final FirmwareInstaller firmwareInstaller = ...;
String firmwareVersion = ...;

final Wolk wolk = Wolk.builder()
    .enableFirmwareUpdate(firmwareInstaller, firmwareVersion)

/** You can use
    enableFirmwareUpdate(FirmwareInstaller firmwareInstaller, String firmwareVersion) - use default file management, and pass the firmware installer and firmware version
    enableFirmwareUpdate(String fileManagementLocation, String firmwareVersion, FirmwareInstaller firmwareInstaller) - configure the file management with the location
    enableFirmwareUpdate(UrlFileDownloader urlFileDownloader, String firmwareVersion, FirmwareInstaller firmwareInstaller) - configure the file management with the url file downloader
    enableFirmwareUpdate(String fileManagementLocation, UrlFileDownloader urlFileDownloader, String firmwareVersion, FirmwareInstaller firmwareInstaller) - configure the file management with everything custom **/

You do need to implement a object from FirmwareInstaller interface. This allows you to implement some logic for your use case to handle the incoming firmware update initialization messages, abort messages and to provide a firmware version.

The interface looks like this:

public interface FirmwareInstaller {
    boolean onInstallCommandReceived(String fileName);
    void onAbortCommandReceived();
    String onFirmwareVersion();