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This is Modbus RTU slave library written in C99. It is intended to be used on a bare-metal device. Hardware communication interface needs to be implemented by the user. The usual communication interface is UART/USART. Modbus itself needs to be configured by setting the number and type of wanted registers. Supported Modbus registers are:
- Holding Register
- Input Register
- Coils
- Input Bits
lists and describes interfaces that user needs to provide for establishing communication. This file needs to be included in user space. Three hardware interfaces are needed from MCU:
- timer - with counter(IRQ) on every 1ms
- UART/USART - receiving bytes one by one. It is recommended to use both interrupts - for Tx and Rx.
- Two signal diodes(optional) - used to visualize bytes received and bytes transmited.
requires setup of Modbus interfaces. The following needs to be defined:
- Number of registers - separatly for holding registers, input registers, coils and input bits. Eg:
- A unique name for each position in each register type. If you define 3 holding registers then you will define 3 different names in enumeration. Eg:
- For each register type, define unique address in struct modbus_variables_map_t. Eg:
modbus_variable_t holding_register_1;
- Map all defined registers in modbus_register_mapping_init(). Eg:
modbus_variable_init(&modbus_variables_map.holding_register_1, &HoldingRegister[HOLDING_REGISTER_1]);
These API functions need to be called before starting the manipulation of Modbus registers:
//init all HW interfaces
//Init Modbus, set slave address
//Init your own reigsters
To set the value of any modbus reigster use:
To read the current value of any register check the register's array by navigating to wanted position:
- HoldingRegister[HOLDING_REGISTER]
- InputRegister[INPUT_REGISTER]
- Coils[COILS]
- InputBits[INPUT_BITS]
This function must to be called periodically in loop(as often as it can):