- openJDK8
- Graalvm version 19.1.1 (ee)
- OpenJFX (https://github.com/Wooyme/openjdk-jfx-with-tray)
You will need Windows 7 or later (Windows 10 is recommended) 64-bit OS
You need to have the following tools installed:
Cygwin. Some packages to make sure are installed are:
mercurial (hg)
make (needed to compile media)
makedepend (needed for media)
Microsoft Visual Studio 2017, either Professional or Community edition. The Desktop development with C++ workload is required at most, but it may be possible to install individual components to satisfy the requirements. Microsoft DirectShow header files – If you build media you will need the DirectShow header files from the Microsoft Windows SDK v7.1, installed in its default location of "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.1".
Ubuntu 18.04 First, run the following command to install all the required development packages:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install libavformat-ffmpeg57 libgl1-mesa-dev \
libx11-dev pkg-config x11proto-core-dev mercurial git \
libgtk2.0-dev libgtk-3-dev
If you build WebKit (it is not built by default) you will need the following additional tools:
Cmake 3.13.3 or later, available from the Cmake download site
The following should satisfy the requirements (but check the version of cmake) :
sudo apt-get install cmake bison flex gperf ruby
Oracle Enterprise Linux 7 and Fedora 21
We use Oracle Linux 7 to build the javafx.* modules that we ship with the Oracle JDK releases. Here are the packages you will need:
yum install mercurial git bison flex gperf pkgconfig \
gtk2-devel gtk3-devel pango-devel freetype-devel
- clone from https://github.com/Wooyme/openjdk-jfx-with-tray.git
- and follow https://wiki.openjdk.java.net/display/OpenJFX/Building+OpenJFX
mvn clean package
cd build-linux
cp -r * ../
cd ..
Make sure u have enough memory(at least 4G free memory)
After build, u will get Client
U may need to add -Djava.library.path=PATH_TO_LIBRARY
(all library files are in path_to_openjfx_source/build/sdk/rt/lib/amd64) to run the demo, so that program can find the pipeline.
Graalvm's windows version is still an EAP, so it's so fucking uncertain
- copy all files in build-win to the main directory.
- run build.bat in
Windows SDK 7.1 Command Prompt
- At the end of building, u will get some error.
- go to the temp directory
. (I'm not sure is the number of 4 certain, but u can easily find such a directory, I think.) - after found the newest directory start with SVM and u will see xxxxxx.tmp in it. just rename it to xxxxxx.obj and copy the directory name.
- replace the old one in
and run it. (The reason why link.bat works is that I added the argument of/FORCE:UNRESOLVED
) - If everything is right, u will get the executable file.
- U also need to assign
which ispath_to_openjfx_source/build/sdk/rt/bin
- Because of some bug, u need to add some other arguments to disable some native features.
-Dprism.order=sw -Dprism.nativepisces=false -Dprism.allowhidpi=false -Dprism.text=t2k
- font_t2k is from oraclejdk, so u need to copy javafx_font_t2k.dll from graalvm ee to ur java.library.path. (It's may illegal,but who cares.)
- U will see the window and the black console window if nothing wrong. To avoid open the console, u need to compile
and start from it.