binds javascript objects and html input elements, so that a change to one will be reflect in the other.
Simply Add the data-bound="key:value" to the input element of the html. key is a unique identifier shared with the javascript object and value is the property of the javascript object. It is possible to bind multiple properties from the same or different objects. This is done by adding additional key value pairs seperating by a comma to the data bound object. whether they reference they use the same key or not each reference to a property must come in the key:value format. Note there is no spaces surrounding the ':'.
after the HTML markup is complete, call the DataBinder object
<!-- html markup -->
<input id="test" type="text" data-bound="12:t_prop"/>
var binder = DataBinder();
var to_bound_obj = {id: '12', t_prop: "test"};
var bound = binder(, toBoundObj); Note: you don't have to pass in an object, you only need an ID. if you don't pass in an object it will create an empty Object and use that in the binder.
now any changes to the html will be reflected in the toBoundObj. By calling set on bound object with the property name as a parameter you set both the toBoundObj and the html input.
After initializing the DataBinder object
var binder = DataBinder();
var inst = binder(id, optional obj);
// inst has 4 methods available.
get (p_name)
// this retrieves the underling object property p_name
set (p_names, val)
// p_name is either a string or an array of strings.
// if pnames is a string it will set the object property p_names to be value and update the html
// if pnames is an array it will iterate over pnames and at each instance set that property to val after iteration
// it updates the html
// binds the object to the html. IMPORTANT this is called on construction and doesn't need to be called again unless
// the object is unbound
// unbinds the object.