Rapid on Rails is a quick-start prototyping framework with customizations, quick start examples, and configurations to launch a web service quickly on a hosting provider like Heroku. It includes common gems and configurations to spend less time on initial configuration.
Currently, you can go from zero-to-live in about 120 seconds with the bootstrap and deployment command in the Get Started
Aside from having a Ruby on Rails instance setup on Heroku in under 2 minutes you also have some common useful tools
- Bootstrap 3
- Glyphicons
- Devise for users
- Support for Stripe
Run the following command in terminal with your project name to get up and running:
ruby -e "$(curl -L https://gist.githubusercontent.com/Workman/7554012/raw/)" project_name
This will clone the repository to a local directory, project_name. If you have the heroku toolchain installed, it can also setup the app ready to deploy to a setup heroku instance.
To complete setup locally, you may need to install rvm, update Bundler, and run the following commands:
rvm install ruby-2.6.5
# Update to Bundler2
gem update --system
gem install bundler
# Setup
bundle install
heroku local
# Open at http://localhost:5000/
When you're ready to deploy
# To Deploy
git push heroku master
# To Add origin (useful if you want to use a repository host)
git remote add origin <Github/BitBucket URL>
If you need a background worker
# Pay for a worker dyno
heroku ps:scale worker=1
When you're ready to be legit and run production loads
# Upgrade your dynos to a paid plan
heroku ps:scale web=2
# Enable Preboot
heroku features:enable preboot
# Deploy to Heroku (Maintainence mode and deploy)
rake deploy:prod
# Associate a domain to the heroku instance
heroku domains:add rapidonrails.com
rails g task namespace task_name