Useful MATLAB scripts for real-value or complex-value file reading and writing, image processing, etc. Continuously updated...
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imreadbin Read image from real-valued *.wzp binary file.
imwritebin Save image (img) to real-valued *.wzp binary file (path).
imreaddat Read image from real-valued or complex-valued binary file (*.wzp, *.dat, or the files generated by gamma software).
imwritedat Save image to a real-valued or complex-valued binary file (*.wzp, *.dat, or the files used by gamma software).
imreadTiff Read image from real-valued or complex-valued Tiff file.
imwriteTiff Save image (matrix) to a Tiff file (path), supporting real-valued or complex-valued matrix.
imwriteTiffComplex Save image (m) to a complex-valued Tiff file (output). You can use imwriteTiff.m instead of this script.
imwriteemf Save image (img) to *.emf file (path).
imwritepdf Save image (img) to *.pdf file (path).
read_kml Reads in (x,y,z) from a GoogleEarth kml file.
listdir Lists the files in a folder.
changeSuffix Change the suffix of a path.
wzpToPng Batch convert *.wzp files in wzpFolder to *.png files in pngFolder.
getCommand Constructs a command from multiple parameters.
goldstein_filt Goldstein adaptive phase filtering
multilook Multi-look processing of images.
matToGray Convert matrix to intensity image.
matToRGB Convert matrix to color RGB image.
max2 Maximum elements of an matrix (M).
min2 Minimum elements of an matrix (M).
randR Uniformly distributed pseudorandom numbers within a certain range.
linkaxesAll Synchronize limits of all drawn 2-D axes.
BAR3C Extension of bar3, which sets the bar color corresponding to its height.
freezeColors Lock colors of plot, enabling multiple colormaps per figure. (v2.3)
cd MatlabToolbox;
author={Wu, Zhipeng and Wang, Teng and Wang, Yingjie and Wang, Robert and Ge, Daqing},
journal={IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing},
title={Deep learning for the detection and phase unwrapping of mining-induced deformation in large-scale interferograms},
author={Wu, Zhipeng and Wang, Teng and Wang, Yingjie and Wang, Robert and Ge, Daqing},
journal={IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing},
title={Deep-learning based phase discontinuity prediction for two-dimensional phase unwrapping of SAR interferograms},