The WisLora is WisAp(Mt7628 + OpenWRT) and Lora gateway, here to use RAK833. It is based on the latest SX1301 driver lora_gateway v5.0.1 and semtech packet_forwarder v4.0.1. We've tested it with TTN.
Ubuntu16, gcc version 5.x
Compile dependency with ubuntu 16.04
sudo apt-get install build-essential subversion git-core libncurses5-dev zlib1g-dev gawk flex quilt libssl-dev xsltproc libxml-parser-perl mercurial bzr ecj cvs unzip
Open terminal, and type the following:
cd Desktop
git clone RAK833-LoRaGateway-OpenWRT-MT7628-USB
Before you run make, you need to set compile environment first with
cd ~/Desktop/RAK833-LoRaGateway-OpenWRT-MT7628-USB
sudo ./build/
sudo make
Finally compiled generated files firmware in the folder out/target/bin
cp ~/Desktop/RAK833-LoRaGateway-OpenWRT-MT7628-USB/out/target/bin/firmware /windows/
- Register an account in The Things Network Control, then login and register gateway
- Click "GATEWAYS"
- Click "register gateway"
- Fill in, "Gateway EUI" is unique and must consist of exactly 8 bytes hexadecimal, and choose "Frequency Plan", here use 868MHz
- Click "Register Gateway"
- Finally you will see the gateway overview, and Status is not connected
Power on, then setup wifi or connect to your router with WisAp WAN port directly.
Connect RAK833 to WisAp usb port
Check the connection of RAK833 and WisAp, excute:
It will display:
- Check the ID and Service
check the gateway ID(Gateway EUI) and server address ,make sure they are consistent with The Things Network Control,
vi /usr/bin/packet_forwarder/local_conf.json
Start Lora Gateway
root@OpenWrt:/usr/bin/packet_forwarder# ./lora_pkt_fwd
Finally you can see the Status is connected in the gateway overview, then the gateway will be started and you can use it. BTY. this project also tested with loraserver.
the RAK2247&RAK833 mini-PCIe module also support spi connection, here list the procedure tested on EVK-RAK833 board.
Compile dependency with ubuntu 16.04
sudo apt-get install build-essential subversion git-core libncurses5-dev zlib1g-dev gawk flex quilt libssl-dev xsltproc libxml-parser-perl mercurial bzr ecj cvs unzip
Open terminal, and type the following:
cd Desktop
git clone RAK833-LoRaGateway-OpenWRT-MT7628-SPI
Before you run make, you need to set compile environment first with
cd RAK833-LoRaGateway-OpenWRT-MT7628-SPI
Finally compiled generated files firmware in the folder out/target/bin
1.connect jumper caps of the EVK board: URXD1/USBTX ,UTXD1/USBRX,GND/3V3/RESET/PPS/CSN/MOSI/MISO/SCK/M1
2.Plug RAK833 to EVK-RAK833 mini-PCIe slot.
3.Reset RAK833 module.
cd /usr/bin
./ start 11
4.Check the connection of RAK833 and EVK, excute:
cd /usr/bin/lora
It will display:
5.Check the ID and Service check the gateway ID(Gateway EUI) and server address.
6.Start Lora Gateway
power on the Gateway and the packet_forwarder will auto start. check the log file at /usr/bin/packet_forwarder/log
Finally you can see the Status is connected in the gateway overview, then the gateway will be started and you can use it.