[Snyk] Upgrade @formatjs/intl-localematcher from 0.2.32 to 0.4.2 #290
Socket Security / Socket Security: Pull Request Alerts
Oct 1, 2023 in 19m 53s
Pull Request #290 Alerts: Aborted
Report | Status | Message |
PR #290 Alerts | ❌ | The pull request report failed because it was aborted |
Pull request alerts notify when new issues are detected between the diff of the pull request and it's target branch.
This pull request alert report was aborted or timed out while running. You can try to re-run the report at any time.
The development team has been notified of the issue. Our apologies for any inconvenience.
Debug data
Please share the following data if requesting help with this failed diff report.
- owner: X-oss-byte - repo: next.js - head_sha: 0b4e60568f29c8c206692b40a6788d15ab2f1fa9 - pull_number: 290 - started_at: Sun Oct 01 2023 06:01:04 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time) - completed_at: Sun Oct 01 2023 06:20:57 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time) - check_run_id: 17287881593 - webhook_record_id: 4860845 - diff_report_record_id: 3135589 - check_run_record_id: 4826235 - abort_signal_aborted: true