LeapMotion interactivity demonstration built around Babylon.js for a CSCI-438 Advanced Game Dev Class
To Run Game:
- First you will need a first generation LeapMotion and the Leap Motion app associated with it. You will need to plug in the LeapMotion sensor and turn on the Leap Motion app.
- Then from the directory that you have the handBall.html file in, serve up a localhost server at port 8000 by running this python3 command in terminal: python3 -m http.server (if you have python2 only, you can look up the command for the sever online)
Then, in your browser, point to localhost:8000/handBall.html
General WebSite: https://www.leapmotion.com/
WebSocket Connection Documentation: https://developer-archive.leapmotion.com/documentation/v2/javascript/supplements/Leap_JSON.html#connecting-to-the-websocket-server
Example that I modified: https://doc.babylonjs.com/