Estimates stories from PIVOTALTRACKER by playing planning poker. The purpose of this application is to facility to the project manager to do sprint plans. You can group stories into games, so with that it's easy to manage iterations.
In middle of a iteration you can see notifications when a participant has voted. and when time is over all the cards are showed and the point for that story is calculated.
##Things you need
- Computer (with internet)
- node.js
- npm
- ExpressJS
###Install node
git clone https://github.com/joyent/node.git
cd node
make install
###Install npm
npm comes with node now but if not
brew install npm
###Checking node version
NOTE: If you're using 'nvm' please use the 0.8.14 node version
nvm use 0.8.14
If you haven't installed that version install with :
nvm install 0.8.14
###Install express
npm install express -g
###Install dependencies
npm install -d
###Run the application
node app.js
GET /api/v1/projects
_id: 0,
id: 0,
name: "name"
GET /api/v1/projects?id=id
_id: 0,
id: 0,
name: "name"
GET /api/v1/projects/:id/tasks
_id: 0,
id: 0,
project_id: 0,
title: "",
url: "",
description: "",
requested_by: "",
owned_by: "",
labels: ""
GET /api/v1/projects/:id/tasks/:id
_id: 0,
id: 0,
project_id: 0,
title: "",
url: "",
description: "",
requested_by: "",
owned_by: "",
labels: ""
Install zurb-foundation gem:
gem install zurb-foundation -v 3.2.5
Install animation and animate gems:
gem install animation --pre
gem install animate --pre
Compile Scss file;
compass watch <path>