Do not use. Use @types/serverless instead.
Typescript definitions that can be used to make Serverless Plugins. Simply import this project and go.
This is so far incomplete and will be added upon as needed. PRs welcome.
npm install --save-dev @xapp/serverless-plugin-type-definitions
In your Plugin file, simply import it like so:
import { Hooks, Serverless, ServerlessPlugin } from "@xapp/serverless-plugin-types"
class MyServerlessPlugin extends Plugin {
private serverless: Serverless;
hooks: Hooks;
constructor(serverless: Serverless) {
this.serverless = serverless;
this.hooks = {
"before:aws:deploy:deploy:createStack": this.doSomething.bind(this),
doSomething() {
this.serverless.cli.log("Hello from the plugin!");