Open-source deobfuscator for dotnetpatcher ( written in C#. It does support some options (see bellow). Most deobfuscation is done through DNPDeobfuscator but all the numeric calculation is done thanks to modded CodeCracker's tool.
Here's a pseudo list of the things which are currently supported with DNPDeobfuscator :
- String Encryption
- String Encryption
- String Encryption + Resource Encryption
- String Encryption + Resource Compression
- Integers Encryption
- Local decryption
- Dynamic decryption
- Resource decryption
- Resource Encryption
- Resource Compression
- Invalid OpCode -> I cheat on this one, nobody use it since it makes your file crashes.
- Prune useless Methods / Types
- Call Hiding
- Call Hiding with Integers
- Call Hiding with Strings