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Luyit - A place you Get a Home 🌍✈️

Overview: Welcome to Luyit, this is a place where users can list there villa and house many more can se set as rent and sellings a place where people can get place of their dream .. so buyit in luyit

Screenshots: web view website

Table of Contents:

  1. Project Structure
  2. Hosted Website Link
  3. Features
  4. Technologies Used
  5. Setup and Usage
  6. Contributing
  7. Authors

Project Structure:

  • models: Dive into the heart of Luyit's data structure with MongoDB schema and models.
  • public: Explore a treasure trove of static files like CSS, JavaScript, and captivating images.
  • routes: Navigate through Luyit's virtual landscape with defined routes for seamless browsing.
  • views: Immerse yourself in Luyit's visual journey with elegant EJS templates for different pages.
  • controllers: Experience the magic behind the scenes with meticulously crafted logic for handling requests and responses.
  • config: Unlock the secrets of Luyit's infrastructure with configuration files for MongoDB and Express.

Hosted Website Link: Experience the magic of Luyit firsthand by visiting our live platform here.


  1. Exquisite UI: Prepare to be mesmerized by Luyit's visually stunning and intuitive interface designed for seamless interaction and exploration.
  2. Responsive Design: Whether you're browsing on a laptop, tablet, or smartphone, Luyit ensures a consistent and delightful user experience across various devices and screen sizes.

Technologies Used:

  • EJS (Template Engine): Elevate your browsing experience with dynamic and elegant EJS templates.
  • CSS (Styling): Immerse yourself in Luyit's captivating visual aesthetic crafted with CSS.
  • Bootstrap (Frontend Framework): Experience seamless responsiveness and sleek design elements courtesy of Bootstrap.
  • JavaScript (Client-side scripting): Unleash the power of client-side scripting to enhance interactivity and user engagement.
  • MongoDB (Database): Delve into the depths of data management and storage with MongoDB's flexible and scalable NoSQL database.
  • Express (Web Application Framework for Node.js): Power your web applications with Express, the fast, unopinionated, and minimalist web framework for Node.js.
  • Node.js (Server-side JavaScript): Harness the versatility of Node.js to build scalable and efficient server-side applications.

Setup and Usage: Embark on your journey with Luyit by following these simple steps:

  1. Clone the repository:
    git clone
  2. Navigate to the cloned directory:
    cd luyit
  3. Install dependencies:
    npm install
  4. Run the server:
    node app.js

Contributing: Join us in shaping the future of Luyit! Here's how you can contribute:

  1. Fork the project.
  2. Create a new branch.
  3. Make your changes and commit them.
  4. Push to your fork and submit a pull request.


  • @xensen008: Embark on this journey of exploration alongside the visionary behind Luyit.