Gesture Interface Glove
University of Glasgow
Real Time Embedded Programming: Raspberry PI Assignment
This project aims to attach flex sensors to the glove, and drive the sensor to deform through the bending of the finger, displaying the physical input value on the screen. After calibration, simple gesture games (Rock-Paper-Scissor) can be realized in the current system. Also, this system is suitable for exploitation for various gesture control applications.
Sampling rate: 441Hz for five sensors and 2205Hz for one sensor
Power coumption: 3.3W
Hardware: Raspberry Pi B+,PCB, 5 flex sensors on a glove
System: 2017-03-02-raspbian-jessie-lite
Install: Git, xorg
Library: bcm2835, Qwt, Qt 4.8
git clone
cd Gesture-Interaface
To run (assuming you are logged into the RPi over ssh and no X-server is running):
startx ./Gesture
Qt is a cross platform framework for developing graphical applications, for more information please visit the links below:
Qwt is a technical widget library based on Qt, please see: