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Initial Setup Flow for the Contributor

Rahul Kunwar edited this page Sep 6, 2020 · 2 revisions

Important information about Git branch in this document

Although most of the contributions typically target the master branch, the actual branch accepting contributions depends on the Vivado release and needs to be checked on this page.

In this document, the Git branch can be refered as master or <branch> but the exact Git branch name should be used for all the Git commands of this document.

1. Setup your github account

The contributor must follow the following steps to setup the GitHub account and prepare the local repository.

  1. Create a github account <USER> from . For Windows users, download and install git on your machine (GitHub for Windows). For Linux users, a Git client can be downloaded from GitHub if it is not already installed.

  2. Press "Fork"(upper right hand side) and create fork of XilinxCEDStore to your account

  3. Switch to a shell on your machine (we recommend GitShell for Windows)

2. Setting Up the Proxy

If you have already cloned the repository then skip this step. Otherwise to pull this repository from within a firewall you will need to configure http.proxy and https.proxy as some company might enforce HTTPS over HTTP. Note this setting may be different for your system. If you have questions contact your IT network administrator:

git config --global https.proxy "<your https-proxy-value e.g - https://proxy:8080>"
git config --global http.proxy "<your http-proxy-value e.g - http://proxy:8080>"

Note: If you are not sure whether a proxy if needed or not, you should first try to clone the Xilinx repository without setting up the proxy. If git cannot connect to, then the proxy needs to be setup.

3. Setting up User Name and Email

#Create and cd to a working directory, for instance ~/github/
git config --global <USER>  #github USER name
git config --global

4. Setting up the Local Repository

Clone the repository you have forked in earlier step. Refer 'Branch-for-Contribution' to choose appropriate branch

On Windows

git clone<USER>/XilinxCEDStore.git -b <branch>

On Linux

git clone https://<USER><USER>/XilinxCEDStore.git -b <branch>

You will need to enter your github password when prompted.

Now you have cloned the repo directories under XilinxCEDStore

cd XilinxCEDStore
git status