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OpenSCA is an open source software supply chain security solution that supports the detection of open source dependencies, vulnerabilities and license compliance with a widely noticed accuracy by the community.


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OpenSCA is intended for scanning third-party dependencies, vulnerabilities and licenses.

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Detection Ability

OpenSCA is now capable of parsing configuration files in the listed programming languages and correspondent package managers. The team is now dedicated to introducing more languages and enriching the parsing of relevant configuration files gradually.

Java Maven pom.xml
Java Gradle .gradle .gradle.kts
JavaScript Npm package-lock.json package.json yarn.lock
PHP Composer composer.json composer.lock
Ruby gem gemfile.lock
Golang gomod go.mod go.sum Gopkg.toml Gopkg.lock
Rust cargo Cargo.lock
Erlang Rebar rebar.lock
Python Pip Pipfile Pipfile.lock requirements.txt the latter two, pipenv environment & internet connection are needed)

Download & Deployment

  1. Download the appropriate executable file according to your system architecture from releases.

  2. Or download the source code and compile (go 1.18 and above is needed)

    // github linux/mac
    git clone opensca && cd opensca && go build
    // gitee linux/mac
    git clone opensca && cd opensca && go build
    // github windows
    git clone opensca ; cd opensca ; go build
    // gitee windows
    git clone opensca ; cd opensca ; go build

    The default option is to generate the program of the current system architecture. If you want to try it for other system architectures, you can set the following environment variables before compiling.

    • Set the operating system GOOS=${OS} \\ darwin,liunx,windows
    • Set the architecture GOARCH=${arch} \\ amd64,arm64

Use OpenSCA


config string Set the path of the configuration file -config config.json
path string Set the path of the target file or directory -path ./foo
out string Save the result to the specified file whose format is defined by the suffix -out out.json, out.html
log string Specify the path of log file -log my_log.txt
token string Cloud service verification from our offical website -token xxx
proj string SaaS project token to sync report with OpenSCA SaaS -proj xxx

From v3.0.0, apart from these parameters available for CMD/CRT, there are also others for different requirements which have to be set in the configuration file.

Full introduction about each parameters can be found in config.json

v3.0.2 and above allows OpenSCA-cli to snyc reports with OpenSCA SaaS (via proj), so that all reports of multiple projects can be managed together.

If the configuration parameter conflicts with the command-line input parameter, the latter will be taken.

When there's no configuration file in the set path, one in default settings will be generated there.

If no path of configuration file is set, the following ones will be checked:

  1. config.json under the working directory
  2. opensca_config.json under the user directory
  3. config.json under opensca-cli directory

From v3.0.0, url has been put in the configuration file. The default set goes to our cloud vulnerability database. Other online database in accordance with our database structure can also be set through configuration file.

Using previous versions to connect the cloud databse will still need the setting of url, which could be done via both CMD and configuration file. Example: -url

Report Formats

Files supported by the out parameter are listed below:

REPORT json .json *
xml .xml *
html .html v1.0.6 and above
sqlite .sqlite v1.0.13 and above
csv .csv v1.0.13 and above
sarif .sarif
SBOM spdx .spdx .spdx.json .spdx.xml v1.0.8 and above
cdx .cdx.json .cdx.xml v1.0.11and above
swid .swid.json .swid.xml v1.0.11and above
dsdx .dsdx .dsdx.json .dsdx.xml v3.0.0and above


# Use opensca-cli to scan with CMD parameters:
opensca-cli -path ${project_path} -config ${config_path} -out ${filename}.${suffix} -token ${token}

# Start scanning after setting down the configuration file:

Scan & Report via Docker Container

# Detect dependencies in the current directory:
docker run -ti --rm -v ${PWD}:/src opensca/opensca-cli

# Connect to the cloud vulnerability database:
docker run -ti --rm -v ${PWD}:/src opensca/opensca-cli -token ${put_your_token_here}

You can also use the configuration file for advanced settings. Save config.json to the mounted directory of src or set other paths within the container through -config. The writing method for mounting the current directory on different terminals varies, we list common ones here FYI:

terminal pwd
bash $(pwd)
zsh ${PWD}
cmd %cd%
powershell (Get-Location).Path

For more information, visit Docker Hub Page

Local Vulnerability Database

The Format of the Vulnerability Database File

    "vendor": "org.apache.logging.log4j",
    "product": "log4j-core",
    "version": "[2.0-beta9,2.12.2)||[2.13.0,2.15.0)",
    "language": "java",
    "name": "Apache Log4j2 远程代码执行漏洞",
    "id": "XMIRROR-2021-44228",
    "cve_id": "CVE-2021-44228",
    "cnnvd_id": "CNNVD-202112-799",
    "cnvd_id": "CNVD-2021-95914",
    "cwe_id": "CWE-502,CWE-400,CWE-20",
    "description": "Apache Log4j是美国阿帕奇(Apache)基金会的一款基于Java的开源日志记录工具。\r\nApache Log4J 存在代码问题漏洞,攻击者可设计一个数据请求发送给使用 Apache Log4j工具的服务器,当该请求被打印成日志时就会触发远程代码执行。",
    "description_en": "Apache Log4j2 2.0-beta9 through 2.12.1 and 2.13.0 through 2.15.0 JNDI features used in configuration, log messages, and parameters do not protect against attacker controlled LDAP and other JNDI related endpoints. An attacker who can control log messages or log message parameters can execute arbitrary code loaded from LDAP servers when message lookup substitution is enabled. From log4j 2.15.0, this behavior has been disabled by default. From version 2.16.0, this functionality has been completely removed. Note that this vulnerability is specific to log4j-core and does not affect log4net, log4cxx, or other Apache Logging Services projects.",
    "suggestion": "2.12.1及以下版本可以更新到2.12.2,其他建议更新至2.15.0或更高版本,漏洞详情可参考: \r\n1、临时解决方案,适用于2.10及以上版本:\r\n\t(1)设置jvm参数:“-Dlog4j2.formatMsgNoLookups=true”;\r\n\t(2)设置参数:“log4j2.formatMsgNoLookups=True”;",
    "attack_type": "远程",
    "release_date": "2021-12-10",
    "security_level_id": 1,
    "exploit_level_id": 1

Explanations of Vulnerability Database Fields

vendor the manufacturer of the component N
product the name of the component Y
version the versions of the component affected by the vulnerability Y
language the programming language of the component Y
name the name of the vulnerability N
id custom identifier Y
cve_id cve identifier N
cnnvd_id cnnvd identifier N
cnvd_id cnvd identifier N
cwe_id cwe identifier N
description the descripation of the vulnerability N
description_en the descripation of the vulnerability in English N
suggestion the suggestion for fixing the vulnerability N
attack_type the type of attack N
release_date the release date of the vulnerability N
security_level_id the security level of the vulnerability (diminishing from 1 to 4) N
exploit_level_id the exploit level of the vulnerability (0-N/A 1-Available) N

*There are several pre-set values to the "language" field, including java, javascript, golang, rust, php, ruby and python. Other languages are not limited to the pre-set value.

Sample of Setting the Vulnerability Database



Is the environment variable needed while using OpenSCA?

No. OpenSCA can be directly executed by the command in CLI/CRT after decompression.

About the vulnerability database?

OpenSCA allows configuring the local vulnerability database. It has to be sorted according to the Format of the Vulnerability Database File.

Meanwhile, OpenSCA also offers a cloud vulnerability database covering official databases including CVE/CWE/NVD/CNVD/CNNVD.

About the time cost of OpenSCA scanning?

It depends on the size of the package, the network condition and the language.

From v1.0.11, we add aliyun mirror database as the backup to the official maven repository to solve the lag caused by network connection.

For v1.0.10 and below, if the time is abnormally long and error information about connection failure to the maven repository gets reported in the log file, users of versions between v1.0.6 and v1.0.10 can fix the problem by setting the maven field in config.json like below:

    "maven": [
            "repo": "",
            "user": "",
            "password": ""

After setting, save config.json to the same folder of opensca-cli.exe and execute the command. Eg:

opensca-cli -token {token} -path {path} -out output.html -config config.json

Users of v1.0.5 and below may have to modify the source code. We recommend an upgrade to higher versions.

For more other FAQs, please check FAQs.

Contact Us

ISSUEs are warmly welcome.

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Our QQ Group: 832039395



  • Tao Zhang
  • Chi Zhang
  • Zhong Chen
  • Enzhi Liu
  • Ge Ning


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To contribute, please read our Contributing Guideline.