Version 1.2 Final
This is responsive theme for XOOPS CMS / for 2.5.9 version
This theme is under MIT license and free for personal and commercial usage
This theme is based on simplegrid css / and font awesome icons /
Author: Brutalicuss
This theme looks like any other, my first - xsimplegrid, but its really quite different
- there is smart fast menu with almost automated links to our instaled modules, user login or not, new messages, admin menu link
- there is simple top sliders for home and content pages
- parallax image between top and bottom blocks
- as usual background sliders for system and contents
- little breadcrumb over contents
- automated custom banner if system banner is off
- as usual fine social and search fields at the bottom
- OK and most important - mani, mani different blocks configuration:
The is 25 possible, different top (bottom) block configuration on the template, 12 bottom (top) and 5 for footer blocks (see usage.txt and screenshots in docs folder, also you can view now in the demo - gallery)
The theme is clean for W3 validation, simple to use for own projects and as I believe looks modern and 100% responsive for mobile and tablets.