Convert Evernote export to zim-wiki syntax
This is achieved by:
- Export your evernote docs to html and save to a folder (<HTML_DIR>).
- Convert html to markdown by using the html2text module.
- Convert markdown to zim-wiki syntax using the markdown2zim module, and save to a given folder <ZIM_DIR>.
- Copy over attched images to <ZIM_DIR>.
- In zim desktop, create a new notebook, this will create a new folder in your drive. Close the new notebook and go into that folder, and copy over the stuff (.txt files and attachment folders) to this new folder.
- Open the new notebook again to see the final result.
Steps 2-4 are done by this script. Other step should be done by the user.
Some tips:
After creating the new notebook, you can let it stay open, and copy over the docs, then use Tools -> Update index to let it refresh.
Sometimes after the above the HOME page is gone, try restarting zim.
When exporting your docs from Evernote, right click a notebook to export the entire notebook.
These symbols are not allowed in zim's note title:
#, *, _, \, |, /, <, >, ?, ", %
I changed "%" to "percent", and all others are simply deleted. So be aware that your title might be different from in Evernote.
Still rather early stage so probably a bit buggy. Let me know if you encounter one.
Also, don't use zim-wiki 0.66. It's buggy as hell. Fall back to 0.65 until they fix things up. Spell checking in 0.67 also doesn't work for me.
- Python: only tested python2.
- zim-wiki
- markdown2zim, which is modified from python-markdown2.
- html2text.