- Sample kit for a simple Logseq plugin that does not require React or other tools.
- Clone this repository or use it as a template to create a new repository.
- Configure the workflow permissions for the repository." Select "Read and write permissions". (Settings > Actions > General)
- Match repository name, etc.
- Replace all of the strings "YU000jp/logseq-plugin-sample-kit-typescript" in files in the folder.
- Replace the value of "PLUGIN NAME" in the "release.config.js" file.
- Replaces a personal name in the "LICENSE" file.
- In the same folder as "package.json", run 'pnpm install' from a terminal.
- "pnpm build" will generate an executable folder (converted to JavaScript).
- It can now be loaded from developer mode.
- During plugin development, reload from the plugin screen after changes have been made.
- Document Link:
- Note:
- The kit incorporates logseq-l10n so that translation by L10N can be provided.
- When describing user messages, use
- When describing user messages, use
- The kit incorporates logseq-l10n so that translation by L10N can be provided.
- Prepare an icon, approximately 64px in size.
- If it is an SVG file, replace icon.svg.
- If it is not an SVG file, place the file in the same folder as package.json and rewrite "icon.svg" in the "release.config.js" file.
- Run the GitHub Actions Workflow to generate a public version of the release file.
- Open the Actions tab, select 'Release' and then press the 'Run workflow' button.
- If the manifesto has not been submitted, it will not yet be published at this stage.
- Submit a manifesto to Logseq.