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Popol Super Slam Fusion Full Speed 2KXX

License ?

No open-source license provided yet (see this link). This repository is for private use only. An open-source license will probably be released in the future. Copyright (c) 2023 Yann-Situ


Need the dialogue_manager, singleton_bundle and achievements addons.

Big Motivation

  • Code:
    • Slopes
    • Moving platform, ball walls and one way platform
    • Menus and World map system
    • Saving system, profile, story and achievement system
    • Sound system
    • Shoot system
    • AI NPC and Boss implementation
  • Graphism:
    • Popol rework graphism
    • NPC, pedestrian animations
    • backgrounds
    • graffitis and adinkra
    • tilesets and moods
    • GUI and menus
    • Effects, paint explosion
  • Other:
    • Musics
    • Soundeffects
    • Story and characters
    • Level design

Code structure to (re)implement

  • Selector is currently a child of Player/Actions and is reparent by code to be a child of Room. Maybe it should be a child of the room or the level, and accessed in SpecialActionHandler via a NodePath or through signals.
  • Implement Explosion nodes.
  • Rework Aiming system (better physics + time stop + 2 steps shoot).
  • Rework Dunkdash target graphism.
  • Rework Rails
  • Rework Ziplines.
  • Implement Pedestrian generator (pnj shader, gradient sampler, ...).
  • GUI Graphism

Godot4 migration

List of things to do

  • physics problem with grind
  • πŸ“Œ dunk player position
  • πŸ“Œ hang player position
  • double dash make the player stuck
  • state machines have memory now... (we need to restart the state machine when reentering it) [Fixed in Godot 4.1]
  • S.velocity is set to Vec2(0.0) every frame when animation_tree is active (really weird bug) [Fixed with a temporary solution] [seems to be fixed in Godot 4.1]
  • ball rework (currently a rigidbody implementation but there are physics annoying bugs godotengine/godot#76610) (Solved using GodotTilemapBaker)
  • player_friction and forces using Alterable
  • catch and ball release
  • πŸ“Œ tileset/map rework
  • Improve TileMapBaker to take into account different physical layer, for example ballwall and playerwall

Work to do

  • Graphism :
    • πŸ“Œ environment elements
    • πŸ“Œ other tilesets
    • πŸ“Œ other background
    • πŸ“Œ all movement sprites
    • GUI graphism such as tag-police
    • πŸ“Œ other characters/npc
    • adinkra symbols
  • Moveset improvment:
    • add dunk
    • handle crouch
    • add landing anim
    • add turn back anim
    • improve wall jump (feet must be on wall ?)
    • add slide
    • with and without balls anim
    • add multiple shoot types
    • Death and life system
  • Interactive elements (baskets, pipes, jumping platform, doors and warps, wind, enemies...)
    • baskets
    • spawners
    • activable
    • destroyable blocks
    • ball-doors / player-doors
    • πŸ“Œ ziplines -> to rework
    • πŸ“Œ Add enemies and NPC
    • πŸ“Œ Add one way platforms
    • πŸ“Œ pipes -> rework a bit (TODO: change bounding box + handle multiple sides + be careful on exit_throw)
    • πŸ“Œ moving platform (tilemap + pathfollow2D?) (Wait4Godot)
    • collectibles (spray?)
  • NPCs
    • pedestrian generator
    • interactive npc
    • bosses
    • ennemies
  • Style system (optional)
    • UI for combos
    • Combo and point system
    • Reward ('succΓ¨s') for special style achievements
  • Improve shooter
    • πŸ“Œ Auto aim on baskets
    • finalize shoot system (test with time stop/slow)
  • Balls :
    • add several balls (bouncy ball, fire ball, linked ball, phantom ball)
    • πŸ“Œ handle interactions with environment elements
    • πŸ“Œ Add new powers when selection+active (such as megaBOUM, dash, RollingDestroying...)
    • improve animation of balls
    • add some juice and more effects
    • squish anim for squish balls
  • Juice :
    • Camera shake on heavy ball, dunks and other style action
    • particles on balls, dust on footsteps & slide
    • add UBER mode with new animations
  • Sound design
    • add sounds
    • add musics
    • handle music variations
  • Add UIs
    • πŸ“Œ Add HUD
    • Add menus
    • Add WorldMap and level selection
    • πŸ“Œ Add dialogue system


Actions and Movement

  • Weird straight jump on a corner. Don't know why it happens and what to do.
  • Sometimes the dunkjump gives a velocity of (-nan, dunkjump_speed). This is due to it's calculation with a square root
  • Dunking while pushing a direction button toward another basket above results in no dunk on the current basket. -> change the criteria for the basket by taking into account a very close basket.
  • Walljumping at the same time that dunking results in dunking called on a wrong basket (if multiple baskets around)
  • Aiming shooting right after dunk results in strange animation behaviour.
  • Dunking can result in S.selected_basket.dunk() called on null instance (basket is not selected anymore)
  • Dunkjump on jumper can result in Nan camera position teleportation. (because to low to mathematically dunkjump => negative value ? division by 0.0 ?) [hard to reproduce] (see video) [solved by reimplementing dunkjump?]
  • High jump when jump_jp and jump_jr just before landing (because the mount-cancel only test jump_jr).
  • ShockJumping at frame perfect when crouching on Jumper (or when jumping or dunkjumping) results in a huge mega jump sa mΓ¨re.
  • Interacting fires multiple times when ui_interact is pressed (interact_jp is true for up to 30 frames instead of just one).
  • Dunkjumping while only moving with floor adherence a bit far from basket results in missing the basket.
  • Dunkjumping while only moving with floor adherence a bit far from basket results in missing the basket.
  • Release ball when aiming results in error.
  • It is possible to Dunk through walls. It can result in ghost emmiting (dont know why). [TODO TEST]
  • One-way platform make player crouch due to raycast mechanic. This implies weird camera movement.
  • One-way platform make player unable to do small jumps. [TODO handle one-way correctly (raycast and CollisionShapes)]
  • Pressing dunkdash at a precise moment during dunk animation results in dunkdashing on place.
  • Pressing jump at a precise moment during dunk animation results in ungrabing the basket without any jump. [TODO handle correctly the dunk-hang-ungrab loop]
  • Walljump by pressing jump before touching wall can result in jump that can't be mount-cancelled (by releasing jump button).
  • Sliding is not canceled if the button down is released. This results in interesting yet annoying moonwalks and weird behaviours. [TODO prioritize rolling over sliding and handle their connection]
  • Crouching under a 32pix bloc and then standing results in high speed.

Environment and Items

  • Weird behaviour on leaving a zipline to a rail (there is a moment when the character is on both of them)
    • Implement character holder group with free_character and pickup_character methods.
  • Characters can leave rail if Player press crouch on it.
    • Implement the riding and hanging states.
  • Balls can perform too big jumps at the junction of multiple Jumpers. This is due to apply_impulse not changing immediately the velocity value of a RigidBody2D. This implies applying two times the jump_impulse, which is designed to compensate the original velocity and apply the jump_velocity. [resolved by implementing a smart override_impulse that cancel directional velocity and apply impulse, but solely the last call before integrate_force will have an effect]
  • Get out from zipline just after passing over a Jumper results in sliding (like on ice) because can_go_timer was changed. [TODO REWORK Zipline and Rails]
  • πŸ“Œ A ball that bounces on the ring of a basket can do multiple goals. [Partially resolve by lowering the basket goal detector]
  • πŸ“Œ Explosion hitbox seems to be broken for squared boxes. [Partially resolved by exploding objects whose center is not in the area in the last frame of Explosion]
  • ZipLine or RailLine drop inside collision places results in stucked player or high velocity.
  • Stuck colliding on a rail can result in building speed. [TODO TEST]
  • Entering Pipe at perfect frame when disabling the Pipe can result in a disabled ball floating in the air. -> don't stop the tween to enter the pipe when disabling the pipe. [hard to reproduce, it happened once]
  • RailLine going backward vertically switch. This results also in stopping the player and having alternative vertical normal.
  • Getting out of CharacterPipe is biaised by the collision problem of character colliding with exit, results in in weird velocity vectors.
  • It is possible to use the power of a Ball that is located in another Room2D, which is undefined behaviour because the ball is not in the scene_tree.


  • TileMap hitboxes (bounce on corners of each tile + balls pass through 2 adjacent tiles). size up the hitboxes smartly
  • Physic of balls when picked up (stay physically on the ground...). complicated see rigidbody functions and how integrate_force works.
  • Player catching ball while inside BallWall results in stuck player. [Maybe disable the player catch area while inside ballwall?]
  • Problems when passing from a block just 16 pixel over the other block (results in tiny teleportation but visible due to camera instant movement).
  • Wind is not affecting Player when grinding and hanging [TODO implement a smart move_character(character, velocity) function for character_holder that take the character velocity at each physics process call and move the character according to the holder].
  • πŸ“Œ Problems with physics on slopes [DAMN IT].
  • πŸ“Œ annoying Tilemap physics problems. Partially resolved using TilemapBaker but still some problems at the junction between custom blocks (box, jumpers, ...):
    • tunneling ;
    • tile junction bounce problems. See this issue.
  • Jitter when multiple balls are above each other (with rigidbodies, physicbodies and situbodies). [TODO TEST]
  • Ball located just on a spawner position results in very high velocity when spawning a ball on it [hard to reproduce]. [TODO TEST]
  • Ballwall and PlayerWall seems broken since Godot4.

Visual and Animation

  • Jitter animation when passing from a transition_in to transition_out using rooms.
  • ColorRect for shockwave effect stay in (0,0) global coordinates...
  • ColorRect for shockwave effect combine with canvas_modulate results in weird color rectangle.
  • Get out from low ceiling (crouched) when returning can result in infinite returning animation.
  • To many trails results in crash.
  • Trails _on_Decay_tween_all_completed never called when Ball get reparented during the decay. Workaround by adding child to current_room instead of ball.
  • Bubble/Zap ball teleportation trailhandler can act very weirdly if used quickly repeatly.
  • The shoot_previewer shows a trajectory slightly above the real one.
  • There is some jitter animation:
    • when passing from a dunkjump state to a grind state.
    • when passing from a dunk state to a hang state.
    • when passing from a dunk state to a falling state (by pressing down during dunk). [TODO REWORK AnimationTree]
  • Particles that are displayed outside the window are displayed after when they re-enter the camera (I probably need to investigate the visibility_rect property).
  • Shooting just before landing results in floor_shoot just after aim_shoot animation
  • Trail lifetime and point_lifetime not set correctly when trail for bubble_ball.
  • Player doesn't stop walking when on floor walls. ([ ] Infinite walking animation on 16px block) stairs.
  • Jitter when Entering a Room2D (using a portal) this might be due to the 'reset' functions called in Player.

###Β Other

  • Spawner rotation position is weird.
  • Portals : multiple portal_transition due to a late reset position, when changing rooms... see this issue and this issue.
  • Changing room holding a ball results in leaving the ball in the previous room.
  • The game seems to crash when calling change_holder(null) with holder = null (in the reparent part) in (see this issue). See my workaround.
  • Multiple call in Area2D when reparenting node (see this issue). This results in crashing when ball enters pipe and player just release it near the pipe. See my workaround.
  • Using the power of a selected ball that died results in error. => I reworked the selection system.
  • If multiple explosion breaks the same bloc, it can spawn copies.
  • Lag if too much balls : make a spawner limit and link the dispawn of a ball to the spawner to increase the spawn count.
  • I need to adapt the boum delay: i.e apply_impulse instantly on colliding object and a bit after on far objects. need a method call_after_a_delay(apply_impulse) -> see Explosion node implementation
  • Code mystery in PlayerState: velocity is set to (0,0) each frame when the AnimationTree is activated. [Fixed in Godot 4.1]
  • πŸ“Œ Need to implement Tilemap interactive objects rotation and flips. [TODO Wait4Godot]
  • BulletTime (pause scene) can eat input, currently resulting in dunking after a dunkjump even if the dunk button is not pressed.
  • Releasing ball and changing room can result in the player not able to catch another ball.

Potential Glitches

  • Jumping (from ground) just before entering a rail can result in a boost grind.
  • Pressing jump and dunkdash just before landing can result in small dunkdash/jump.
  • Pressing jump and just before entering a Jumper results in small jump (jump cancel).
  • Falling at the pixel perfect junction of a tile results in fall state but on the floor (pixel perfect).
  • Dunkdashing just before entering a rail can result in a dash boost grind.
  • Up-Dunkdash just after a Jump or a ShockJump results in high Dunkdash.
  • Tangent velocity kept after Dunkdash. This results in interesting vertical Dunkdash then fast horizontal run.
  • Dunkjump through a one way platform resets the dash.
  • Dunkjump with pressing jump_button while pre-dunkjumping can result in high or low dunkjump.
  • At the connection between a rail and a solid block, if the character is falling such that they will wallslide on the block if there wasn't a rail, and is falling fast enough, the character will normally grind but with 0 initial speed.
    • At the connection between a rail and stairs, if the character is falling such that they will go on the slope if there wasn't a rail, and is falling fast enough, the character will normally grind but with 0 speed in the direction down the stairs.
  • Player changing Room2D while in a BallWall results in player not able to pickup ball. (If glitch, we need to make sure portals are away from ballwall).
  • Down DunkDash on mounting platform results in bouncing on the platform.
  • Mirror weird effect when trying to mirror something out of camera (happen when the mirror takes half of the camera).
  • Hitbox of Player a bit smaller than its collisionbox, resulting in the player being pushed by an explosion but not taking damage. It also results in Player being on the edge of spikes without taking damage (maybe change this later behaviour?).

Godot Issues


class_name\s*(\w*), -> class_name $1 #, @export\b\s*\((\w*)\)\s*var\s*(\w*) -> @export var $2 : $1 @export_range\((\w*),\s*((\d|\.)*),\s*((\d|\.)*)\)\s*var\s*(\w*) -> @export_range($2,$4) var $6 : $1 emit_signal\("(\w*)"\) -> $1.emit() emit_signal\("(\w*),\s*(.*)"\) -> $1.emit($2) (\w*\.)*connect\("(\w*)",Callable\(self,"(\w*)"\)\) -> $1$2.connect(self.$3) start\(Callable\((.*?)\)\.bind\((.*?)\) -> start($1, $2 start\(Callable\((.*?)\) -> start($1 ^\s*set\s\=\s*(\w*)\s*\#(.*?\#)*\s*\((\w*),(.*?)\)


Popol Super Slam Fusion Full Speed 2KXX






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