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VS Code Extension (30,000+ installs, 5.0/5.0): adds themes, commands, scripts, and key bindings for the terminal


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Terminal All In One
Terminal All In One

Supercharge your terminal with themes, commands, scripts, and key bindings!

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  1. Open Terminal All In One - Visual Studio Marketplace
  2. Click "Install"


  1. Open Visual Studio Code
  2. Open the Extensions View -> (Shift+Cmd+P or F1 and type "Extensions: Install Extensions") or (Shift+Cmd+X)
  3. Type "Terminal All In One"
  4. Click "Install"


  1. Open a command-line prompt
  2. Run code --install-extension yasht.terminal-all-in-one



  • terminalAllInOne.chooseTerminalTheme (Terminal All In One: Choose Theme)

    • Opens a Theme Quick Pick1 with over 100 Themes to choose from

    • Live Preview in the Terminal

    • Keybinding: cmd/ctrl+i t

    • Demo


  • terminalAllInOne.runScript (Terminal All In One: Run Script)

    • Opens a Script Quick Pick1 with your defined scripts OR runs a specific script

    • Keybindings: cmd/ctrl+i enter for the Script Quick Pick1 OR cmd/ctrl+i 0-9 for a specific script


  • terminalAllInOne.createNewTerminal (Terminal All In One: Create New Terminal)

    • Creates a New Terminal Instance

    • Keybinding: cmd/ctrl+i c

    • Demo

  • terminalAllInOne.deleteCurrentTerminal (Terminal All In One: Delete Current Terminal)

    • Deletes the Current Terminal Instance

    • Keybinding: cmd/ctrl+i d

    • Demo

  • terminalAllInOne.renameCurrentTerminal (Terminal All In One: Rename Current Terminal)

    • Renames the Current Terminal Instance

    • Keybinding: cmd/ctrl+i r

    • Demo

  • terminalAllInOne.focusNextTerminal (Terminal All In One: Focus Next Terminal)

    • Focuses the Next Terminal Instance

    • Keybinding: cmd/ctrl+i .

    • Demo

  • terminalAllInOne.focusPreviousTerminal (Terminal All In One: Focus Previous Terminal)

    • Focuses the Previous Terminal Instance

    • Keybinding: cmd/ctrl+i ,

    • Demo


  • workbench.action.terminal.toggleTerminal (View: Toggle Integrated Terminal)

    • Toggles the Terminal

    • Keybinding: cmd/ctrl+i `

    • Demo

  • terminalAllInOne.toggleMaxTerm (Terminal All In One: Toggle Maximized Terminal)

    • Toggles the Maximized Terminal

    • Keybinding: cmd/ctrl+i m

    • Demo

  • terminalAllInOne.clearTerminal (Terminal All In One: Clear Terminal)

    • Clears the Terminal

    • Keybinding: cmd/ctrl+i backspace

  • terminalAllInOne.splitTerminal (Terminal All In One: Split Terminal)

    • Splits the Terminal

    • Keybinding: cmd/ctrl+i ]

  • terminalAllInOne.changeCursorWidth (Terminal All In One: Change Cursor Width)

    • Opens a Cursor Width Quick Pick1

    • Live Preview in the Terminal

    • Keybinding: cmd/ctrl+i w

  • terminalAllInOne.changeCursorStyle (Terminal All In One: Change Cursor Style)

    • Opens a Cursor Style Quick Pick1

    • Live Preview in the Terminal

    • Keybinding: cmd/ctrl+i y

  • terminalAllInOne.toggleBlinkingCursor (Terminal All In One: Toggle Blinking Cursor)

    • Toggles whether the Terminal Cursor is blinking or not

    • Keybinding: cmd/ctrl+i b

  • terminalAllInOne.changeFontSize (Terminal All In One: Change Font Size)

    • Opens a Font Size Quick Pick1

    • Live Preview in the Terminal

    • Keybinding: cmd/ctrl+i f

  • terminalAllInOne.decreaseFontSize (Terminal All In One: Decrease Font Size)

    • Decrease the Terminal Font Size by 1-pt

    • Keybinding: cmd/ctrl+i -

  • terminalAllInOne.increaseFontSize (Terminal All In One: Increase Font Size)

    • Increase the Terminal Font Size by 1-pt

    • Keybinding: cmd/ctrl+i =

  • terminalAllInOne.changeFontWeight (Terminal All In One: Change Font Weight)

    • Opens a Font Weight Quick Pick1

    • Live Preview in the Terminal

    • Keybinding: cmd/ctrl+i q


  • terminalAllInOne.selectDefaultShell (Terminal All In One: Select Default Shell)

    • Select a Default Shell (bash, csh, dash, ksh, sh, tcsh, zsh, etc.)

    • Opens a Shell Quick Pick1

    • Keybinding: cmd/ctrl+i s

    • Demo



  • terminalAllInOne.terminalTheme

  • Default Configuration :

      "terminalAllInOne.terminalTheme": "None"


  • terminalAllInOne.scripts

    • Scripts are string representations of Command Line commands. Scripts can be strings (1 command) or arrays (multiple commands)

    • Use the command terminalAllInOne.runScript or the keybinding cmd/ctrl+i enter to open the Script Quick Pick1

    • Alternatively, use the keybindings cmd/ctrl+i 0-9 to run a specific script whose index corresponds to the number pressed (Note: Only your first 10 scripts will have corresponding keybindings)

    • Variables:

      • ${workspaceFolder} - the path of the folder opened in VS Code

      • ${workspaceFolderBasename} - the name of the folder opened in VS Code without any slashes (/)

      • ${file} - the current opened file

      • ${relativeFile} - the current opened file relative to workspaceFolder

      • ${relativeFileDirname} - the current opened file's dirname relative to workspaceFolder

      • ${fileBasename} - the current opened file's basename

      • ${fileBasenameNoExtension} - the current opened file's basename with no file extension

      • ${fileDirname} - the current opened file's dirname

      • ${fileExtname} - the current opened file's extension

      • ${cwd} - the task runner's current working directory on startup

      • ${lineNumber} - the current selected line number in the active file

      • ${selectedText} - the current selected text in the active file

      • ${execPath} - the path to the running VS Code executable

      • ${defaultBuildTask} - the name of the default build task

      • You can reference VS Code settings ("configurations") through ${config:Name} syntax (for example, ${config:editor.fontSize}).

  • terminalAllInOne.script.disableDescription

    • Disable the Script Description that is run before the Script Commands
  • Sample Configuration:

      "terminalAllInOne.scripts": [
          "name": "Greet",
          "script": ["echo hello", "echo How was your day?"]
          "name": "Contents of current workspace folder",
          "script": "ls ${workspaceFolder}"
          "name": "Install Dependencies",
          "script": ["npm i react", "npm i --save-dev mocha"]
      "terminalAllInOne.script.disableDescription": false


  • terminalAllInOne.disableAllKeybindings

    • Controls whether all keybindings are disabled
  • Default Configuration :

      "terminalAllInOne.disableAllKeybindings": false


  • terminalAllInOne.messages

    • Controls which messages should be shown if terminalAllInOne.disableAllMessages is set to false
  • terminalAllInOne.disableAllMessages

    • Controls whether all messages (info, warning, and error) from this extension are disabled
  • Default Configuration :

      "terminalAllInOne.messages": {
        "shouldShowThemeQuickPickMessage": true,
        "shouldShowSelectedThemeMessage": true,
        "shouldShowFontSizeQuickPickMessage": true,
        "shouldShowSelectedFontSizeMessage": true,
        "shouldShowFontWeightQuickPickMessage": true,
        "shouldShowSelectedFontWeightMessage": true,
        "shouldShowCursorWidthQuickPickMessage": true,
        "shouldShowSelectedCursorWidthMessage": true,
        "shouldShowCursorStyleQuickPickMessage": true,
        "shouldShowSelectedCursorStyleMessage": true,
        "shouldShowBlinkingCursorToggledMessage": true,
        "shouldShowDisableScriptDescriptionMessage": true
      "terminalAllInOne.disableAllMessages": false


For each keybinding (except toggling the terminal) , press cmd+i (for Macs) or ctrl+i (for Windows & Linux), and the corresponding key for the terminal command.

Chord Shortcut Description Command
cmd/ctrl ` Toggle the Terminal workbench.action.terminal.toggleTerminal
cmd/ctrl+i m Toggle the Maximized Terminal terminalAllInOne.toggleMaxTerm
cmd/ctrl+i s Select a Default Shell terminalAllInOne.selectDefaultShell
cmd/ctrl+i c Create a New Terminal Instance terminalAllInOne.createNewTerminal
cmd/ctrl+i d Delete the Current Terminal Instance terminalAllInOne.deleteCurrentTerminal
cmd/ctrl+i r Rename the Current Terminal Instance terminalAllInOne.renameCurrentTerminal
cmd/ctrl+i . Focus the Next Terminal Instance terminalAllInOne.focusNextTerminal
cmd/ctrl+i , Focus the Previous Terminal Instance terminalAllInOne.focusPreviousTerminal
cmd/ctrl+i t Choose a Terminal Theme terminalAllInOne.chooseTerminalTheme
cmd/ctrl+i enter Choose a Script terminalAllInOne.runScript
cmd/ctrl+i 0-9 Run a specific Script terminalAllInOne.runScript
cmd/ctrl+i w Change Terminal Cursor Width terminalAllInOne.changeCursorWidth
cmd/ctrl+i y Change Terminal Cursor Style terminalAllInOne.changeCursorStyle
cmd/ctrl+i b Toggle Blinking Terminal Cursor terminalAllInOne.toggleBlinkingCursor
cmd/ctrl+i f Change Terminal Font Size terminalAllInOne.changeFontSize
cmd/ctrl+i - Decrease Terminal Font Size terminalAllInOne.decreaseFontSize
cmd/ctrl+i = Increase Terminal Font Size terminalAllInOne.increaseFontSize
cmd/ctrl+i q Change Terminal Font Weight terminalAllInOne.changeFontWeight
cmd/ctrl+i backspace Clear the Terminal terminalAllInOne.clearTerminal
cmd/ctrl+i ] Split the Terminal terminalAllInOne.splitTerminal


Toggle the Terminal

Toggle the Terminal

Toggle the Maximized Terminal

Toggle the Maximized Terminal

Select a Default Shell

Select a Default Shell

Create a New Terminal Instance

Create A New Terminal Instance

Delete the Current Terminal Instance

Delete the Current Terminal Instance

Rename the Current Terminal Instance

Rename the Current Terminal Instance

Focus the Next Terminal Instance

Focus the Next Terminal Instance

Focus the Previous Terminal Instance

Focus the Previous Terminal Instance

Choose a Terminal Theme

Choose a Terminal Theme


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[1] : Quick Pick