Developed a standalone container, that displays a list of Contextual Cards which refers to any view that is rendered using response fetched from an API. These views are dynamic and their properties like images, color, texts, buttons (CTAs), etc. can be changed from the backend at any time. This project has been developed for an assignment given by the FamPay team.
The network calls are made using Volley library.
I have used Material Design library to create the user interface of the mentioned application. Also, I used RecyclerView library to give the app some nice loading effects.
Clone the repository using HTTPS:
- Open Android Studio.
- Click on 'Open an existing Android Studio project'
- Browse to the directory where you cloned the project and click OK.
- Let Android Studio import the project and you are good to go!
Language : Java Android Studio Version : 4.1.2 Libraries : Volley, RecyclerView, Material Components