First actual release of the lib since the fork, here's the change log between this and the original project :
- Modified to compile against Ogre 2.1 (thanks @nyxkn)
- Added an overload to construct a static shape converter from an Ogre::v1::MeshPtr (thanks @nyxkn)
- Motion states moves "derivated coordinates" instead of the "regular" ones. This prevent unsynchronising graphics and physics if you are doing weird object parenting stuff (in case of physics objects, You probably shouldn't)
- The static mesh to shape converter has overload to use v2 meshes and Items, instead of just v1 meshes or Entity object
- Class implementation are not in headers
- Debug drawer re-implemented for Ogre V2 by using a v2 manual object
- The debug drawer now supports every mode of debug drawing Bullet can offer, and does it with the proper colors
- The debug drawer uses an HLMS Unlit datablock created at run time the first time you call it, and set vertex colors on each points of each lines
- The color of the line is multiplied by a factor the user can set to accommodate HDR rendering pipeline and the way the user wants to deal with color spaces and gamma correction
The "Install" archive contiants the result of building and installing the lib in "RelWithDebInfo" on VS2015 Win64. I encourage you to build the library yourself.
You can generate a build configuration with CMake. See the readme to check what variables you can set to find Ogre 2.1 and Bullet