This repository contains the open-source code accompanying our research paper, "Identifying behavioral links to neural dynamics of multifiber photometry recordings in a mouse social behavior network." Yibo Chen, Jonathan Chien, Bing Dai, Dayu Lin, Zhe Sage Chen
bioRxiv link:
In this research work, we utilized two models, namely HSMM and PSID. The corresponding code can be found in folders named 'HSMM' and 'PSID' respectively. We have only provided example code; if you wish to access code for other processing methods described in the paper, please feel free to contact the authors.
Dependencies: make sure you have following packages installed: +1. Anaconda2 or Miniconda2 note: for Miniconda2, these packages are needed: pip install numpy scipy matplotlib cython nose (JMC also add: future, requests; also, may be preferrable use "conda install") +2. gcc-4.8 g++-4.8 sudo apt install gcc-4.8 g++-4.8 (JMC: this installation command no longer works, see below; also note that gcc 9.4 should be old enough) +3. install pybasicbayes pip install pybasicbayes
Then you need to get three package dependencies: "hips-lib", "pyhsmm", and "pyhsmm_spiketrains".
This part is entirely Matlab programs. Please add 'Source' to the Matlab path.
The programs in 'Source' are referenced from
There is an intruction in folder 'HSMM'.
+PSID_AcrossSession.m is used to show the prediction results of all sessions of a animal +male_tracjory is used to plot neural trajectory of "Attack" behavior +female_tracjory is used to plot neural trajectory of "Mount" and "Thrust" behavior
Below is the example data link.