This is the software project for SC2006 done by Team Fivver from DSAI1.
Introducing OpenJIO, an application that can facilitate physical social activities among youths and adults in Singapore.
For his contribution(s) in:
- Leading the team.
- Software Requirement Specification (SRS).
- Use-case descriptions.
- UML diagrams.
- All front-end development (user interfaces).
For his contribution(s) in:
- SRS.
- Use-case descriptions.
- Sequence diagrams.
- Back-end development (especially the Activity and the Friend components).
- Demo script and video.
For his contribution(s) in:
- SRS.
- Use-case descriptions.
- Sequence diagrams.
- Back-end development (especially the Chat component).
- Demo script and video.
For his contribution(s) in:
- SRS.
- Use-case descriptions.
- Map distance algorithm.
For her contribution(s) in:
- Intial UI mockups.
- Use-case descriptions.
- System architecture.
- Front-end development (user interfaces).
- Black-box and white-box testing.