This repository is for experiments to investigate unknown features and potential advantages of multi-agent reinforcement learning with deep neaural network. Code is basically written in Python using PyTorch .
GIF cited from here
Simple empirical environment has been implemented so far.
Setting up such appropriate environment is quit important. Agents interact with the environment and the other agents in the following grid map which has several rooms of 9x9, separated by 2-width hallways and 1-width wall.
Agents and events are randomly put inside the grid map. Agents aim to approach the events as fast as possible.
Action | State | Reward |
0: Stay | obs1: [agent.state.p_pos] | rew1 : -min(dist) / (SIZE_X * num_agents) |
1: Right | obs2: entity_pos | rew2 : -(1 / num_agents) if is_collision |
2: Up | obs3: other_pos | rew1 + rew2 |
3: Left | np.concatenate(ob1 + obs2 + obs3) | - |
4: Down | - | - |
Still in progress.