For latest version, please visit Hexon
一个在线hexo博客编辑器 | An online hexo blog editor by winwin2011
- 文章增删改和预览 | Post/Page add/delete/update and preview
- 发布和草稿 | Post/Page puiblish/unpublish/drafts
- Markdown编辑 | Markdown editor
- 分类 | categories
- 标签 | tags
- git同步 | git push/reset/pull
- hexo命令 | hexo generate/deploy/clean
- 登录 | Basic authentication
- 文章排序 | Post/Page sort
- front-matters
- 文章搜索 | Search
- 自定义slug | Custom slug
图床Image CDN(请使用cloudreve替代 | use cloudreve instead) - 亲,请告诉我您还需要什么 ~ | let me know what you need ...
All kinds of PR are welcomed, including crazy change!
If this project helped you a bit, please leave a ⭐ with your ❤ :p!
hexo-client by gaoyoubo, homepage
hexo-admin by jaredly, homepage
感谢他们教会我怎么使用hexo!| I learnt a lot about hexo usage from them!