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Real-time Microkernel and Train Control Application for CS 452 Real-time Programming

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CS452 Real-Time Microkernel

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  • Executable file: kern/kmain.elf

File Structure

├── include/
│   ├── kern/ # header files for kernel code
│   ├── lib/  # header files for libraries
│   └── user/ # header files for syscalls
├── kern/
│   ├── event/    # kernel code for interrupt handling
│   ├── lib/      # kernel lib code
│   ├── message/  # kernel code for message passing
│   ├── syscall/  # kernel code for syscall/interrupt handling
│   ├── task/     # kernel code for task management
│   └──  # kernel entry
├── lib/          # common lib code
└── user/
    ├── include/  # header files for user tasks
    ├── tasks/    # user tasks implementation
    └──   # user program entry

Kernel Description

Context Switch

taskSchedule -> taskActivate -> leaveKernel -> userMode -> Execute User Program -> Software Interrupt -> handleSWI -> enterKernel

  • taskSchedule: Fetch a top-priority task in the task ready queue.
  • taskActivate: Sets the fetched task's state to Active, then calls leaveKernel.
  • leaveKernel: Calls userMode. Return to taskActivate.
  • userMode (asm): Saves kernel context (r4~r11, lr) on the stack. Restore user program's context from its trapframe. User program starts to execute.
  • handleSWI (asm): Saves user program's context on the stack. Restores kernel context. Calls enterKernel. Return to leaveKernel.
  • enterKernel: Based on the SWI code, calls the corresponding handler. Reschedules on every enterKernel. Return to handleSWI.

Context Switch: Priority Queues


A wrapper struct that provides interface for easily manipulating priority queues. It is implemented as an array of queues. Each priority level corresponds to one queue. Each queue is a singly-linked list. The linkage is stored in each Task Descriptor in the nextReady field.

  • void enqueue(TaskDescriptor *task)

    push a task to the end of its priority queue

  • TaskDescriptor *dequeue(int priority)

    pop a task from the front of a specific priority queue corresponding to the input priority

  • TaskDescriptor *dequeue()

    pop a task from the front of the highest non-empty priority queue

Context Switch: Task Descriptors


A struct that stores task related state, including

  • int tid Task id
  • TaskDescriptor *parent Task's parent task
  • int priority Task's priority
  • TaskDescriptor *nextReady Next ready task after curent task
  • State state Task's running state
  • Trapframe tf Task's Trapframe

Context Switch: Trapframe


A struct that stores the user state (r1~r14, lr_svc, spsr) before context switch and restore them when switched back.

Context Switch: System Parameters and Limitations

  • include/kern/task.h:
    • USER_STACK_SIZE (stack size for each task): 128 KB
    • NUM_TASKS (maximum number of tasks): 64
    • NUM_PRIORITY_LEVELS (number of priority levels): 8 (0 to 7 inclusive, 0 is the highest)

Note: The number of tasks and the stack size for each task can be made larger by modifying include/kern/task.h, as long as 0x1000000 - USER_STACK_SIZE * NUM_TASKS > __bss_end.

Message Passing

  • send() and receive() (sender first)
    • The sender is enqueued into the receiver's send queue and the sender's state changes to send-blocked in send().
    • When the receiver calls receive(), the sender is dequeued from the send queue and data is copied from the sender to the receiver. The sender becomes reply-blocked. The receiver becomes ready due to rescheduling.
  • send() and receive() (receiver first)
    • The receiver becomes receive-blocked in receive().
    • When the sender calls send(), data is copied from the sender to the receiver. There is no need to enqueue the sender into a send queue because the receiver is already receive-blocked which means it is ready to receive a message. Then the sender becomes reply-blocked. The receiver becomes ready.
  • reply()
    • When the receiver calls reply(), the sender should always be reply-blocked.
      • If the sender is not reply-blocked, it means that the sender have not sent anything and the reply() call is invalid. reply() will just return.
    • Data of the reply is copied from the receiver to the sender. Then the sender becomes ready and is enqueue into the ready queue. The receiver becomes ready afterwards and is enqueued too due to rescheduling. Note that the sender is enqueued first, so that we the sender and the receiver has the same priority, the sender will run first.

Message Passing: Send Queues

Each task has a send queue which stores all tasks that are trying to send message to the task. The task queues are implemented as a ring buffer (include/lib/queue.h)to allow efficient enqueue and dequeue.

Name Server

The name server is running in the highest priority so it can reply as soon as possible to avoid blocking other tasks. Since we assign tid in the order of creation and the name server is always the first task created by the boot task, the tid of the name server is always 1.

registerAs() and whoIs() is simply wrapper functions that calls send() to the name server and obtain reply.

Name Server: Hash Table

We use a hash table to store the mapping between task name and tid. The task name is stored as a String, a wrapper for const char * to allow overloading operator==() for string comparison. Since we do not have dynamic memory allocation, when using the hash table with strings, we must make sure that the const char * points to a valid address, that is, either in the static area or on stack when the stack is valid.

Event Notification

int awaitEvent(int eventType);

According to EP93xx User Guide there are 64 different types of interrupts/events. The event number ranges from 0 to 63 (inclusive), which is to be used in the eventType parameter.

When a task calls awaitEvent(), it is set to event-blocked state and enqueued into the event-blocked queue corresponding to the eventType. The kernel then reschedules and allows other tasks to run.

When an interrupt/event occurs, the execution mode changes to IRQ mode. Any currently running user task is preempted.

The user context is first push onto the IRQ stack, then a trap() function is called to copy the user context into its corresponding task descriptor. Then we query the VIC status handler to get the event number. Then we switch to SVC mode and enter kernel to process the event. We changes the syscall numbers to make them distinct from event numbers, so that we can handle syscall and events in the same way.

  • If the event's corresponding event-blocked queue is empty, the event is simply ignored.
  • Otherwise, the first task in the event-blocked queue is dequeued; a non-negative return value is stored in the task's trapframe; then the task is set to ready state and enqueued into the ready queue. We also clear/confirm the corresponding interrupt.

Then we reschedule and user tasks can continue execution.

Event Notification: Event-Blocked Queues

We use a similar implementation to the ready queues. Each event has a dedicated event-blocked queue, which is a singly-linked list. We store the pointer to the first task in each queue in an array. The linkage of the queue is stored as a pointer to task descriptor in each task descriptor in the nextEventBlocked field. Again, we only need one such field in each task descriptor, because one task can be waiting on at most one event and therefore in at most one queue.

We do not store the tail of the queue. So while dequeue() takes $O(1)$ time, enqueue() would take $O(n)$ time in the length of the queue. However, the queue is most likely very short because in our design, only a few notifier tasks (for clock, I/O, etc.) will wait on event and they are waiting for different events. Therefore, iterating through the list when enqueueing will not cost much time.

Clock Server

When a task calls delay() or delayUntil(), the server calculate the absolute time (the "delay until" time) in ticks when the calling task should delay until. Then the tid and the "delay until" time is added to the delay heap.

A notifier wait on timer interrupt and send an Update message with current tick to the server. When the server receives an Update message, it updates the current time it stores and check the delay heap (implemented as a min-heap) to reply to all tasks that have reached their "delay until" time.

When a task calls time(), the server replies with the current time stored in the server immediately after receiving the request message.

Clock Server: Min-Heap

We need a data structure to store the "delay until" time in a semi-ordered fashion. That is, they don't need to be strictly sorted, but we need to be able to get the smallest time every time we pop an item from it. Therefore, a min-heap is perfect in this scenario.

We have implemented a min-heap using array, that supports the following operations:

  • insert
    • insert a new item into the min heap
    • $O(\log n)$
  • peekMin
    • get the smallest item from the min heap
    • $O(1)$
  • deleteMin
    • delete the smallest item from the min heap
    • $O(\log n)$

UART Server


Each UART line has a dedicated server. The UART server is configurable with the following arguments. Upon creation, it receives its arguments from its parent by calling receive.

struct ServerArgs {
  unsigned int channel; // COM1 or COM2
  bool fifo; // whether fifo is enabled
  int speed; // baud rate
  bool stp2; // whether stop bit is 2
  int eventType; // which UART interrupt to wait for
  bool cts; // whether CTS is enabled
  const char *name; // name of the server

Each server creates a receive notifier and a send notifier. To accommodate different transmit/receive logic. Each notifier also accepts arguments by message passing.

  • receive notifier (recvNotifier)
    • notifies the corresponding server whenever a character is received from the UART line, then the server read from the corresponding register to perform the actual receive
  • send notifier (sendNotifier)
    • notifies the corresponding server whenever the UART line is ready for send, then the server write to the corresponding register
    • send notifier is responsible for handling CTS if enabled

UART Server: Queue

Each UART server has a send queue and a receive queue used a buffers. These are implemented as ring buffers with a capacity of 8192 bytes.

putc puts a character into the send queue. When UART is ready to send, a character is dequeued and sent.

When a byte arrives, it is put into the receive queue. When a task call getc, a character is dequeued and replied. However, if the receive queue is empty, it waits until one character arrives and reply it to the calling task.

There is another queue getcRequestors. When there are multiple tasks waiting for getc, they are queued up in getcRequestors. And when a character arrives, the server replies to the first task in the queue. Each character is replied to only one task.

Display Server / Marklin Server

The problem of synchronization arises when we enable interrupts. If multiple tasks try to send characters, the order of sending is nondeterministic. So we have a display server that handles all printing to the terminal, and a marklin server that handles all the commands sent to the train to ensure that bytes that should be sent together do not get separated.

Program Output



 1| Task id: 1, Parent task id: 0
 2| Task id: 1, Parent task id: 0
 3| Created: 1
 4| Task id: 2, Parent task id: 0
 5| Task id: 2, Parent task id: 0
 6| Created: 2
 7| Created: 3
 8| Created: 4
 9| FirstUserTask: exiting
10| Task id: 3, Parent task id: 0
11| Task id: 4, Parent task id: 0
12| Task id: 3, Parent task id: 0
13| Task id: 4, Parent task id: 0


Task 0 (FirstUserTask) has priority 1. Tasks 1 and 2 have priority 0. Task 3 and 4 have priority 2. Note that priority 0 is the highest.

Task 0 starts by creating Task 1. create() triggers reschedule and Task 1 has a higher priority, so Task 1 is executed. Task 1 calls myTid() and then parentTid(). Although both functions trigger rescheduling, Task 1 has a higher priority, therefore it continues execution after both calls and print Line 1 before going back to Task 0. Task 1 then yields. Now both Task 1 and Task 0 are ready. But Task 1 has a higher priority and therefore Task 1 continues execution and prints Line 2 in the same way of printing Line 1. After this, Task 1 exits. Now, only Task 0 is in the ready queue. So it continues execution and print Line 3.

Then Task 0 creates Task 2. Similar to Task 1, Task 2 has a higher priority and starts execution and print Line 4 before Task 0 returns from create(). Task 2 then yields, but as the highest-priority task in the ready queue. It continues execution and prints Line 5 and exits. Now, only Task 0 is in the ready queue. So it continues execution and print Line 6.

Then Task 0 creates Task 3, which has a lower priority than Task 0. So after leaving kernel mode Task 0 continues execution and print Line 7. This happens again when Task 0 creates Task 4 and prints Line 8. Then Task 0 prints Line 9 and exits.

Now Tasks 3 and 4 are in the ready queue and have the same priority. Task 3 calls myTid() which triggers rescheduling and switches to Task 4. Then Task 4 calls myTid() and triggers rescheduling and switches to Task 3. Then Task 3 calls parentTid() and switches to Task 4. Then Task 4 calls parentTid() and switches to Task 3. Then Task 3 prints Line 10 and yields, which triggers rescheduling and switch to Task 4. Then Task 4 prints Line 11 and yields and switch back to Task 3. The bounce between Tasks 3 and 4 repeated for Line 12 and Line 13. Task 3 exits after printing Line 12. Task 4 exits after printing Line 13.

Now there is no task in the ready queue and the kernel exits.

K2: Rock-Paper-Scissors


 1| [RPS Player 3]: 🙋	Sign Up
 2| [RPS Player 4]: 🙋	Sign Up
 3| [RPS Server]: matched [Player 3] and [Player 4]
 4| [RPS Player 5]: 🙋	Sign Up
 5| [RPS Player 6]: 🙋	Sign Up
 6| [RPS Server]: matched [Player 5] and [Player 6]
 7| [RPS Player 7]: 🙋	Sign Up
 8| [RPS Player 3]: 👊	Rock
 9| [RPS Player 4]: 🖐️	Paper
10| [RPS Player 5]: 👊	Rock
11| [RPS Player 6]: 🖐️	Paper
12| [RPS Player 4]: 🥳	Win
13| [RPS Player 4]: ✌️	Scissors
14| [RPS Player 3]: 😭	Lose
15| [RPS Player 3]: 👊	Rock
16| [RPS Player 6]: 🥳	Win
17| [RPS Player 6]: ✌️	Scissors
18| [RPS Player 5]: 😭	Lose
19| [RPS Player 5]: 💨	Quit
20| [RPS Player 3]: 🥳	Win
21| [RPS Player 3]: 💨	Quit
22| [RPS Player 4]: 😭	Lose
23| [RPS Player 4]: 💨	Quit
24| [RPS Player 6]: 🏳️	Opponent Quit
25| [RPS Server]: matched [Player 7] and [Player 6]
26| [RPS Player 7]: 🖐️	Paper
27| [RPS Player 6]: 👊	Rock
28| [RPS Player 6]: 😭	Lose
29| [RPS Player 6]: 🖐️	Paper
30| [RPS Player 7]: 🥳	Win
31| [RPS Player 7]: ✌️	Scissors
32| [RPS Player 7]: 🥳	Win
33| [RPS Player 7]: 💨	Quit
34| [RPS Player 6]: 😭	Lose
35| [RPS Player 6]: 💨	Quit


We create 5 players, where Player x represent the player task whose tid is x.

Player behavior:

  • Player 3, Player 4, Player 7: sign up, play two games, and then quit.

  • Player 5: sign up, play a single game, and then quit.

  • Player 6: wants to play two games. If the opponent quits before two games finish, it will sign up again to play another two games.

First, Players 3~7 sign up in their sequential order. The server matches Player 3 and Player 4, then matches Player 5 and Player 6. Player 7 is not matched at first.

The following matches are played concurrently on the server:

Player 3 Player 4
Round 1 Rock (Lose) Paper (Win)
Round 2 Rock (Win) Scissors (Lose)
Quit Quit
Player 5 Player 6
Round 1 Rock (Lose) Paper (Win)
Round 2 Quit Scissors

Now since Player 5 quitted before two games finish, Player 6 signs up again. And now server matches Player 6 and Player 7.

Player 6 Player 7
Round 1 Rock (Lose) Paper (Win)
Round 2 Paper (Lose) Scissors (Win)
Quit Quit

Now all players have quitted.



tid: 5, delay interval: 10, delays completed: 1
tid: 5, delay interval: 10, delays completed: 2
tid: 6, delay interval: 23, delays completed: 1
tid: 5, delay interval: 10, delays completed: 3
tid: 7, delay interval: 33, delays completed: 1
tid: 5, delay interval: 10, delays completed: 4
tid: 6, delay interval: 23, delays completed: 2
tid: 5, delay interval: 10, delays completed: 5
idle time: 47, sys time: 50, idle fraction: 94.0%
tid: 5, delay interval: 10, delays completed: 6
tid: 7, delay interval: 33, delays completed: 2
tid: 6, delay interval: 23, delays completed: 3
tid: 5, delay interval: 10, delays completed: 7
tid: 8, delay interval: 71, delays completed: 1
tid: 5, delay interval: 10, delays completed: 8
tid: 5, delay interval: 10, delays completed: 9
tid: 6, delay interval: 23, delays completed: 4
tid: 7, delay interval: 33, delays completed: 3
tid: 5, delay interval: 10, delays completed: 10
idle time: 94, sys time: 100, idle fraction: 94.0%
tid: 5, delay interval: 10, delays completed: 11
tid: 6, delay interval: 23, delays completed: 5
tid: 5, delay interval: 10, delays completed: 12
tid: 5, delay interval: 10, delays completed: 13
tid: 7, delay interval: 33, delays completed: 4
tid: 6, delay interval: 23, delays completed: 6
tid: 5, delay interval: 10, delays completed: 14
tid: 8, delay interval: 71, delays completed: 2
tid: 5, delay interval: 10, delays completed: 15
idle time: 142, sys time: 150, idle fraction: 94.6%
tid: 5, delay interval: 10, delays completed: 16
tid: 6, delay interval: 23, delays completed: 7
tid: 7, delay interval: 33, delays completed: 5
tid: 5, delay interval: 10, delays completed: 17
tid: 5, delay interval: 10, delays completed: 18
tid: 6, delay interval: 23, delays completed: 8
tid: 5, delay interval: 10, delays completed: 19
tid: 7, delay interval: 33, delays completed: 6
tid: 5, delay interval: 10, delays completed: 20
idle time: 189, sys time: 200, idle fraction: 94.5%
tid: 6, delay interval: 23, delays completed: 9
tid: 8, delay interval: 71, delays completed: 3


We have created four tasks with the following priorities, delay interval, and number of delays.

Priority Delay Interval Number of Delays
3 10 20
4 23 9
5 33 6
6 71 3

Let $P$ be priority, $I_p$ be delay interval, and $C_p$ be the number of delays for the task of priority $p$. When timer reaches $I_p \times i$ for $i \in [0, C_p]$ and $p \in [3, 6]$, the kernel will unblock the task with priority $p$, and its corresponding messages will be displayed.

Thus, in each displayed message, let $I$ denote the delay interval, and let $C$ denote the number of delays completed. Thus, all messages should be in the order of their value of $I \times C$ in an increasing order. When two or more messages have the same value of $I \times C$, they should be sorted in increasing order by their priority.

Observing the output order, we indeed follow the above pattern.

In addition, every 50 ticks, we show the idle time, sys time, and idle fraction of our kernel.

void idleTask() {
  int tick = 0;
  while (true) {
    if (tick && tick % 50 == 0) {
      // executes every 50 ticks
    *(volatile unsigned int *)HALT;  // halt until next interrupt

This is done by having a counter inside the idle task, and increment it by 1 in each loop. We halt the CPU in each loop until next IRQ wakes it up. Since we have only enabled timer3 underflow interrupt, which fires every 1 tick, we know that each loop takes 1 tick.

Idle time is recorded by the kernel by having a counter that accumulates each time the kernel switches to the idle task and comes back from it, using timer2.

Sys time can be simply retrieved by calling time(clockServerTid).



K4 output


At the top, we show the system uptime, the idle time, and the idle fraction.

At the left, we show the switches positions (switches marked as ? is unknown)

At the right, we show the 10 most recently triggered sensors and the trigger time, where the most recent one is on the top.

The user can enter train commands at the bottom.

Train Measurement

The raw train measurement data is under train-measurement/.

We measure the speed and stopping distance for 8 speeds level (7-14). For each speed level, their speed and stopping distance differs depending on whether the previous speed level is lower or higher. So there are two sets of speed and stopping distance measurement for each speed level (excluding 14 since its the top speed).

For speed measurement, we set the train to go around in a loop. We first set a train to a certain speed level then use sensor C10 to measure the time t1 when the train first hits that sensor, and time t2 when the train hits that sensor the second time. Then by calculating the distance in this loop, we are able to calculate its velocity.

For stopping distance measurement, we set the train to a certain speed level, then the program will send the stop command whenever the train hits E8. Then we use a ruler to measure the distance from E8 to the tip under the train that triggered the sensor.

Train 1

level speed inc (mm/s) speed dec (mm/s) stop distance inc (mm) stop distance dec (mm)
7 164.64 192.18 147.00 175.00
8 218.87 246.52 218.00 256.67
9 282.34 311.36 311.00 380.00
10 343.71 369.00 436.00 503.00
11 410.94 444.63 586.33 680.67
12 475.45 510.87 782.00 886.00
13 547.44 576.54 993.33 1112.00
14 619.42 n/a 1275.00 n/a

Train 24

level speed inc (mm/s) speed dec (mm/s) stop distance inc (mm) stop distance dec (mm)
7 169.85 198.31 148.00 183.00
8 225.43 254.87 222.67 263.00
9 288.80 322.11 324.33 384.00
10 356.86 383.88 452.00 510.67
11 422.48 461.35 613.67 697.67
12 497.25 521.14 805.67 903.67
13 559.26 568.11 1031.67 1134.67
14 614.52 n/a 1278.00 n/a

Train 58

level speed inc (mm/s) speed dec (mm/s) stop distance inc (mm) stop distance dec (mm)
7 152.72 177.35 136.00 147.00
8 198.73 230.10 180.33 227.67
9 262.03 288.80 283.67 330.33
10 321.89 350.17 410.00 455.00
11 387.71 426.73 555.67 640.00
12 460.89 497.25 733.33 828.67
13 532.44 572.29 939.33 1047.00
14 624.39 n/a 1250.67 n/a

Train 74

level speed inc (mm/s) speed dec (mm/s) stop distance inc (mm) stop distance dec (mm)
7 340.95 340.70 413.00 419.67
8 395.94 395.61 473.67 472.67
9 452.83 452.40 541.00 532.67
10 496.72 503.69 601.00 588.67
11 563.99 563.99 676.33 673.33
12 614.52 618.59 762.67 735.67
13 661.59 668.22 814.67 811.00
14 668.22 n/a 837.33 n/a

Train 78

level speed inc (mm/s) speed dec (mm/s) stop distance inc (mm) stop distance dec (mm)
7 131.53 166.88 106.33 131.67
8 178.16 206.29 162.67 190.33
9 232.17 258.40 233.00 280.33
10 281.31 319.25 315.67 364.00
11 339.21 380.13 427.67 508.00
12 402.09 434.69 582.00 658.33
13 455.04 487.89 744.00 828.33
14 517.67 n/a 941.33 n/a

Train 79

level speed inc (mm/s) speed dec (mm/s) stop distance inc (mm) stop distance dec (mm)
7 212.11 235.21 150.67 176.67
8 260.13 293.35 218.33 277.67
9 321.89 353.35 315.00 377.00
10 385.79 422.48 439.33 528.00
11 460.89 497.25 606.67 695.00
12 531.84 563.99 777.00 899.67
13 604.17 651.42 1002.33 1141.33
14 695.11 n/a 1275.67 n/a

Train Control Application


  • track <track set {A, B}> - initialize the track; before this command is issued, other train control command won't work
  • tr <train number> <train speed> – set any train in motion at the desired speed (0 for stop)
  • rv <train number> – reverse the direction of the train
  • sw <switch number> <switch direction> - set the given switch to straight (S) or curved (C)
  • loc <train number> <next sensor num> <direction {f, b} - initialize the location and direction of the train
  • route <train number> <dest node index> <offset (mm)> <speed level {l, h}> - route the train to dest node + offset
  • q - halt the system and return to RedBoot


  • marklin::World
    • maintains trains and tracks status
    • on receiving user commands updates status and issue Marklin commands to marklin::cmdServer
    • on receiving sensor trigger updates status
    • on status change notifies displayServer
  • consoleReader - reads and parse user input and send them to marklin::World for processing
  • marklin::cmdServer - handles the actual sending of Marklin commands
  • marklin::querySensor - continuously query sensor and send updates to marklin::World
  • displayServer - receives status update from marklin::World and update user interface accordingly



We use speed level 10 for all trains for routing.


We use Dijkstra's shortest path algorithm for routing.

If the entire path to the final destination is not reserved, we will reserve the entire path for the train and route the train to its destination.

On the other hand, if some segments of path is reserved by other trains, we will reserve the track up to the segment before entering into the reserved track, and route the train there. In this case, just before sending the stop (speed 0) command, it will try to route the train to its destination again. If it is able to reserve new track segments ahead, then it aborts stopping and keep running until the end of new segments reserved. Otherwise, we stop the train as planned. This helps reduce frequent stops.

When the train triggers a sensor, it will free up the segment behind that sensor and triggers the reroute event for other blocked trains, so that blocked trains get a chance to be unblocked.

Sensor Attribution

We use current switch status and the triggered sensor to find the next sensor.

When a sensor is triggered, we compare this sensor to the trains' predicted next sensors. We assume that no two trains will have the same predicted next sensor based on our correct implementation of track reservation. The above assumption holds even if a single sensor is missed.

Speed Estimation

On every sensor trigger we estimate the average velocity of the train in current section (between the currently triggered sensor and the last triggered sensor), using distance between sensors and the trigger time. Currently we do not print this information and do not update the calibration data.

Track Reservation

Track segments

We divide the track into segments where each segment has boundaries on sensors. For large segments that contains multiple independent paths (29 & 31, 30 & 32 & 33), we place segment boundaries on branches so that we can reserve only parts required by the trip. Trains try to reserve tracks during routing. Whenever a train passed a sensor, we consider it as leaving a segment and thus free it. At any time, there can be at most one train in each segment. This avoids cases of collision.

Fault Tolerance

Broken Branch

For broken branches we set the distance of the broken edge to a very large number, so that our routing algorithm will try to avoid them and find a shorter path. However, this won't work if the broken edge is the only path to the destination.

Broken Sensor

If the triggered sensor is not the predicted next triggered sensor by any trains, we try to compare it with the next sensor after the predicted next triggered sensor of any trains. If we find a match, then we assume that the matching train missed one sensor.

The above assumption holds if there are no more than 1 consecutive broken sensor.

Speed estimation still works because we will calculate the distance between the actual triggered sensor and the last triggered sensor. This can handle the case when at most two consecutive sensors are broken. If we still can't match a sensor, we consider it as an error and issue emergency stop.


Real-time Microkernel and Train Control Application for CS 452 Real-time Programming






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