Niko-niko Calendar (Niko-cale) plugin is a Redmine plugin that shows the mood of project members and the overall project on a daily basis. If you want to know more about Niko-niko Calendar, see the following page.
This plugin works only with Redmine(>=3.2.0)
Copy the plugin directory into the vendor/plugins directory
Rename the plugin directory to redmine_niko_cale
Migrate plugin: rake db:migrate_plugins RAILS_ENV=production
Start Redmine
Add the Niko-cale module into your project.
Go to Administration page and setup the permissions for the Niko-cale module for each of your roles.
You can edit your feeling by clicking [+] button or [Today’s feeling] link.
You can change the scope setting of the niko-niko calendar.
Sub projects
You can get the RSS feed of anyone’s feeling.
You can comment to other user’s feelings. If a comment to a feeling is created, e-mail notification is sent to the user of the feeling.
You can change the plugin’s settings by [Administration]->->[Niko-niko Calendar plugin [Configure]]
You can select the retention period of feelings.
You can select the editable period of feelings.
You can select face images. You can add face images by copying the formatted folder into /redmine_niko_cale/assets/images/faces/. The folder should include these files.
good.png or good.gif
ordinary.png or ordinary.gif
bad.png or bad.gif
It is preferable that the size of face images is 48 × 48.
This plugin is licensed under GNU General Public License version 3.