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0.Git and GitHub

I have never worked with Git before so these courses helped me to dive into a new topic easily. Thanks to UDACITY I have learned Git basics and thanks to the game Learn Git Branching I could clearly understand how different Git commands work. I am about to start working with Git so this new knowledge is very useful.


1.Linux, Command Line, HTTP Tools

I have not used Linux before so the information was new for me, except for a few commands which I had known before. Besides, I have read articles about HTTP. To be honest, they are quite difficult to understand (for me), so I found some additional articles and video explanations. After that, the information seems more understandable, but still, I will return to the subject again.

Linux Survival

Things, I have learned from course:
  • Linux directory structure
  • How to perform some basic file manipulation
  • Linux basic commands
Main commands:
  • ls — view the contentі of a directory;
  • pwd — print working directory;
  • cd — navigate through the Linux files and directories;
  • cp — copy files;
  • mv — move/rename files;
  • mkdir — create a new directory;
  • rmdir — delete an empty directory;
  • rm -r — delete the directory;
  • cat — concatenate files;
  • find — search for files and directories;
  • grep — search through all the text;
  • df — disk space usage;
  • chmod — change the read, write, and execute permissions of files and directories;
  • kill — terminate unresponsive program;
  • man — show the manual instruction;
  • groups — list of groups you are in;
  • ps — information about active processes;
  • finger — show user information;
  • lpr — submits files for printing;
  • lpq — shows the current print queue status;
  • lprm — cancels print jobs.
Linux special characters:
  • ~ home directory;
  • . current directory
  • / path directory separator
  • > output redirection
  • | chains commands together (pipe)

2.Git Collaboration

A lot of new commands and explanations helped me better understand Git's work and GitHub. I found out how to work on a remote repository with other people and how I can analyze other contributor's commits. I am sure that I will use this knowledge as soon as I start work on remote repositories with other people. Very useful courses!


3.Intro to HTML and CSS

I had finished another HTML & CSS course 2 months ago so almost all the information was familiar to me. However, it was a good idea to check my knowledge :) I did not know about CSS property word-spacing.


4.Responsive Web Design

Useful basic information about adaptive web design and tips on how developers can simplify the process of creating adaptive websites (flexbox, grid, width / max-width). I was surprised by the information about size of the buttons on mobile devices (48*48px) and length of the lines (65 symbols). Responsive web design patterns (column drop, mostly fluid, off-canvas, layout shifter) were a very useful discovery for me. The Flexbox game is awesome and I found one more Grid Garden game in extra materials, I liked this one too.


5.HTML & CSS practice

Very good practice for a better understanding of website aсcesability. I didn't realize immediately that Tab would easily skip my label to hidden input, but I would say that practice makes perfect :)

6. JavaScript Basics

I am a complete beginner at JavaScript and these courses were my first steps into programming. Learning JavaScript Basics was a really interesting and challenging task at the same time. Now I am familiar with the basics of the language and ready to move on. I liked the exercises at, but writing algorithms was a quite tough task for me and I am going to complete these tasks again. Sometimes I had to re-read the information many times to understand what is going on and how something works. I also completed an additional JavaScript course at to consolidate the acquired knowledge.

From these courses I learned a lot about:

  • Data Types and Variables;
  • Conditionals;
  • Loops;
  • Functions;
  • Arrays;
  • Objects;
  • Destructuring assignment with arrays and objects;
  • Principles of functional programming.

I am happy that I went through these tasks and now I have some basic knowledge about JavaScript.


7. DOM

A huge amount of new information and my first practice task using JS! I didn`t know about DOM at all so it was a very useful chapter. From this course I have learned:

  • What is DOM and how it helps developers to interact with and control rendered page
  • How to influence page content behavior (create/delete elements, update content, style elements, etc)
  • Information about events and how to work with them.

Now I have an idea how it all works together (HTML, CSS, JS) but it is only an idea:) I have to practice more and more to do tasks like this easily :)


8. Building a Tiny JS World

Very small task so I`m ready to learn more about Object-Oriented JavaScript :)

9. Object Oriented JS

As always almost all information was new to me, so I spent a lot of time to get an understanding of a constructor function and "new" operator, object prototype, and _ proto _ property. The practice task was really interesting and I am happy that I can write some piece of code already :)

Tasks on Codewars were interesting and somehow similar to the tasks on freecodecamp, but this time I was much more confident and it was easier to find solutions.



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