Blastify is a Mac OS like UI used to display your Spotify data (Built-In Light☀️/Dark🌙 theme)
The dock contains your top 10 artists and the desktop your top 50 tracks.
Clicking on any tracks will play it on your spotify
*-------* on a playlist/album will display a list of tracks
*-------* on an artist will display his top tracks and on the next page his albums
- Create a new App in the Spotify Dashboard ( You only need to specify the redirect URI and then get the Client ID of the App.
- Clone the repo
git clone
cd blastify
- Install the dependencies
npm install
- Create a constants folder containing a contstants.js file in the src folder (src/constants/constants.js) :
const constants = {
REDIRECT_URI: 'http://your_redirect_url',
SCOPES: 'user-modify-playback-state user-read-playback-state user-read-currently-playing user-read-recently-played user-read-playback-position user-top-read playlist-read-collaborative playlist-read-private playlist-modify-private app-remote-control streaming user-library-read',
API_URL: '',
export default constants;
npm start