A backend shopping card project with Spring Boot
Swagger ui link: http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui/index.html
Spring Core
Spring Web
Spring Data JPA
Spring Security
Domain Driven Design
Clean Code Principles
/api/v1/categories - GET Request - Get all categories
/api/v1/categories/{id} - GET Request - Get category by id
/api/v1/categories - POST Request - Create a new category
/api/v1/categories/{id} - PUT Request - Update category by id
/api/v1/categories/{id} - DELETE Request - Delete category by id
/api/v1/products - GET Request - Get all products
/api/v1/products/{id} - GET Request - Get product by id
/api/v1/products - POST Request - Create a new product
/api/v1/products/{id} - PUT Request - Update product by id
/api/v1/products/{id} - DELETE Request - Delete product by id
/api/v1/images/{id} - GET Request - Download image
/api/v1/images - POST Request - Create a new image
/api/v1/images/{id} - PUT Request - Update image by id
/api/v1/images/{id} - DELETE Request - Delete image by id
/api/v1/cart/{id}/my-cart - GET Request - Get cart items
/api/v1/cart/1/total-price - GET Request - Get total price of cart
/api/v1/cart/{id} - DELETE Request - Clear cart
/api/v1/cart-item - PATCH Request - Update Cart Item Quantity
/api/v1/cart-item - POST Request - Add Cart Item Quantity
/api/v1/cart-item{cartId}/{productId} - Delete Request - Remove Cart Item
/api/v1/orders/{userId}/all - GET Request - Get all orders of spesific user
/api/v1/orders/{orderId}/all - GET Request - Get spesific order
/api/v1/orders/{userId} - POST Request - Place order
/api/v1/orders/{orderId} - Delete Request - Cancel the order
/api/v1/users - GET Request - Get all users info
/api/v1/users/{userId} - GET Request - Get user with id
/api/v1/users/{userId} - POST Request - Create a new user
/api/v1/users/{userId} - PUT Request - Update the user
/api/v1/users/{orderId} - Delete Request - Delete the user
/api/v1/auth/login - POST Request - Login