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A Python project that classifies images with Keras and Tensorflow with transfer learning and visualizes the results.


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Python-based dynamic image classification project where you can train using Tensorflow, Keras from 26 different transfer learning models, use callback function like TensorBoard visualization tool and get graphics such as Confusion Matrix, ROC Curve.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Requirements and Dependencies
  3. Installation
  4. Training
    1. Dataset Folder Structure
    2. Data Generation
    3. Start Training
    4. Training Arguments
    5. Available Models
    6. Callback Functions
    7. Resume Training
  5. Testing
  6. Visualization
  7. Prediction API


The project allows you to use all available transfer learning models. As a result of the training, it produces the graphics in the literature for classification for you. Easy to use and open to customization with arguments.

You can check To-Do for features to be added to the project which is still under development.

Requirements and Dependencies

Python 3.7 or higher is required to run the project.

Check the installation for the required library installations.


Clone the project with:

git clone

Change directory to project directory with:

cd PyImageClassification

⚠️ It is recommended that you create a virtual environment at this stage.

After that to install the required libraries run the following code:

pip install -r requirements.txt


Dataset Folder Structure

Go to the dataset folder located under the project directory. In the dataset folder, open two different folders as train and test. For your training data, first open a folder for each class in the train folder, then put the images of each class in its own folder. Do the same for your test data inside the test folder.

In a case where you have two classes named cat and dog, the folder structure should be like this:

└─── dataset
    ├─── train
    │    ├─── cat   
    │    │    ├─── your_cat_image_01.jpg
    │    │    ├─── your_cat_image_02.jpg
    │    │    └─── ...
    │    │    
    │    └──── dog
    │         ├─── your_dog_image_01.jpg
    │         ├─── your_dog_image_02.jpg
    │         └─── ...
    └─── test 
         ├─── cat   
         │    ├─── your_test_cat_image_01.jpg
         │    ├─── your_test_cat_image_02.jpg
         │    └─── ...
         └─── dog
              ├─── your_test_dog_image_01.jpg
              ├─── your_test_dog_image_02.jpg
              └─── ...

Data Generation

Generate batches of tensor image data with real-time data augmentation.

It allows using augmentation methods such as horizontal flip and vertical flip in real time. You can find more information about these methods at this link. Check here (lines after the comment line named Data Generator) for available arguments.

Start Training

Basically you can start the training with:

python --model InceptionV3 --batch_size 16

Training Arguments

Here are some arguments you can use for training:

command type default description
--model str InceptionV3 The transfer learning model to be used
--target_size_x int 150 The dimension x to which all images found will be resized
--target_size_y int 150 The dimension y to which all images found will be resized
--batch_size int 16 Size of the batches of data.
--weights str imagenet One of None (random initialization), 'imagenet' (pre-training on ImageNet), or the path to the weights file to be loaded.
--include_top bool False Whether to include the fully-connected layer at the top of the network.
--input_shape_x int 150 The width of the model input image. Only to be specified if include_top is False. Should be no smaller than 75.
--input_shape_y int 150 The height of the model input image. Only to be specified if include_top is False. Should be no smaller than 75.
--input_shape_channel int 3 The number of channel of the model input image. Only to be specified if include_top is False.
--activation str softmax Activation function for last layer
--fc_activation str relu Activation function for fully connected layers.
--optimizer str adam Name of optimizer for compile the model
--loss str categorical_crossentropy Name of objective function

To view all arguments, run this:

python --help

or check options folder

Available Models

All available models in Keras are supported.

Model Size Top-1 Accuracy Top-5 Accuracy Parameters Depth
Xception 88 MB 0.790 0.945 22,910,480 126
VGG16 528 MB 0.713 0.901 138,357,544 23
VGG19 549 MB 0.713 0.900 143,667,240 26
ResNet50 98 MB 0.749 0.921 25,636,712 -
ResNet101 171 MB 0.764 0.928 44,707,176 -
ResNet152 232 MB 0.766 0.931 60,419,944 -
ResNet50V2 98 MB 0.760 0.930 25,613,800 -
ResNet101V2 171 MB 0.772 0.938 44,675,560 -
ResNet152V2 232 MB 0.780 0.942 60,380,648 -
InceptionV3 92 MB 0.779 0.937 23,851,784 159
InceptionResNetV2 215 MB 0.803 0.953 55,873,736 572
MobileNet 16 MB 0.704 0.895 4,253,864 88
MobileNetV2 14 MB 0.713 0.901 3,538,984 88
DenseNet121 33 MB 0.750 0.923 8,062,504 121
DenseNet169 57 MB 0.762 0.932 14,307,880 169
DenseNet201 80 MB 0.773 0.936 20,242,984 201
NASNetMobile 23 MB 0.744 0.919 5,326,716 -
NASNetLarge 343 MB 0.825 0.960 88,949,818 -
EfficientNetB0 29 MB - - 5,330,571 -
EfficientNetB1 31 MB - - 7,856,239 -
EfficientNetB2 36 MB - - 9,177,569 -
EfficientNetB3 48 MB - - 12,320,535 -
EfficientNetB4 75 MB - - 19,466,823 -
EfficientNetB5 118 MB - - 30,562,527 -
EfficientNetB6 166 MB - - 43,265,143 -
EfficientNetB7 256 MB - - 66,658,687 -

Callback Functions

A callback is an object that can perform actions at various stages of training (e.g. at the start or end of an epoch, before or after a single batch, etc).

You can use callbacks to:

  • Write TensorBoard logs after every batch of training to monitor your metrics
  • Periodically save your model to disk
  • Do early stopping
  • Reduce learning rate when a metric has stopped improving.

Check this document for explanations and how to use callback functions

Resume Training

If you stopped the training and want to resume from the epoch you left off, you need to set the --resume argument as True and set the --results_dir argument as your training folder in the results folder.

Note: In order to save weights in each epoch, the --model_checkpoint value must be set to True in the first training. The checkpoints folder in --results_dir is used to resume the training. The records in this folder are named epoch_01_ by default. Based on these names, the weights are loaded for the last epoch.

A sample code block to continue the training is as follows:

python --resume True --results_dir results\InceptionV3_2021_07_31_14_20


After the training is completed, a new folder will be created in the results folder. The folder is named like {algorithm_name}_{training_date} (e.g. InceptionV3_2021_07_31_14_20).

Models and history saved in the folder will be used in the testing. In an example where the folder name is InceptionV3_2021_07_31_14_20, the test code would be:

python --results_dir InceptionV3_2021_07_31_14_20

When the code is successfully run and complete, it will be in your results folder as follows:

└─── results
    └─── InceptionV3_2021_07_31_14_20
         ├─── charts   
         │    ├─── accuracy.jpg
         │    ├─── confusion_matrix.jpg
         │    ├─── loss.jpg
         │    └─── roc_curve.jpg
         └──── prediction_results.xlsx

You can view the prediction results in the prediction_results.xlsx file as follows:

image real prediction
cat\cat.0.jpg cat cat
cat\cat.1.jpg cat dog
dog\dog.0.jpg dog dog
dog\dog.1.jpg dog dog


After the is successfully completed, the charts folder will be created in your results folder.

Inside the charts folder you can view these 4 charts:

1 - Confusion Matrix

Example confusion matrix

2 - ROC Curve

Example roc curve

3 - Loss

Example loss chart

4 - Accuracy

Example accuracy chart

Prediction API

Use the model you have trained with a web API. Check this page for a django application where you can classify images with web API developed with Django REST Framework.




See MIT License


A Python project that classifies images with Keras and Tensorflow with transfer learning and visualizes the results.






