This is a Minesweeper game implemented in Java using JavaFX. The game has a simple user interface that allows the player to click on cells to reveal the numbers or mines beneath them. The game is won when all non-mine cells have been revealed, and lost when a mine cell is revealed.
- Clone the repository to your local machine.
- Ensure that Java SE 8 or higher is installed on your computer.
- Ensure that JavaFX library is included in your project.
- Compile and run the file.
- Customize the board size and mine count.
- Click on cells to reveal the numbers or mines beneath them.
- Right-click on cells to toggle or untoggle a flag.
- Win the game by revealing all non-mine cells.
- Lose life by revealing a mine cell.
- Lose the game by losing 3 times.
- Restart the game any time.
- Reset to start over the same board game.
- There is a mines counter aside the board to know how many mines already revealed.
- Java SE 8 or higher.
- JavaFX library.
Yuval Rozner