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[EMNLP 2021] Improving Multilingual Neural Machine Translation with Auxiliary Source Languages


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Improving Multilingual Neural Machine Translation with Auxiliary Source Languages



Multilingual neural machine translation models typically handle one source language at a time. However, prior work has shown that translating from multiple source languages improves translation quality. Different from existing approaches on multi-source translation that are limited to the test scenario where parallel source sentences from multiple languages are available at inference time, we propose to improve multilingual translation in a more common scenario by exploiting synthetic source sentences from auxiliary languages. We train our model on synthetic multi-source corpora and apply random masking to enable flexible inference with single-source or bi-source inputs. Extensive experiments on Chinese/English to Japanese and a large-scale multilingual translation benchmark show that our model outperforms the multilingual baseline significantly by up to +4.0 BLEU with the largest improvements on low-resource or distant language pairs.


Dataset Statistics

Zh/En-Ja: Domain, Provenance ("Prov."), and the number of sentence pairs ("#Sent") in the training, development, and test data for Zh-Ja, En-Ja, and Zh-En.

X-Y Divide Domain Prov. #Sent
Zh-Ja train Science ASPEC 0.66M
Zh-Ja dev Science ASPEC 2090
Zh-Ja test Science ASPEC 2107
Zh-Ja test News Internal 1000
En-Ja train Science ASPEC 2.63M
En-Ja dev Science ASPEC 1790
En-Ja test Science ASPEC 1812
En-Ja test Query Internal 4999
En-Ja test News WMT20 993
Zh-En train News WMT18 18.7M
Zh-En dev News WMT18 2001

En-X: Number of sentence pairs in the training data and the test set for each language pair.

X-Y Train Size Test
Fr-En 10.00M newstest13
Cs-En 10.00M newstest16
De-En 4.60M newstest16
Fi-En 4.80M newstest16
Lv-En 1.40M newsdev17
Et-En 0.70M newsdev18
Ro-En 0.50M newsdev16
Hi-En 0.26M newsdev14
Tr-En 0.18M newstest16
Gu-En 0.08M newsdev19


cd MNMT_Aux_Src_Lang
pip install --editable ./
  • For faster training install NVIDIA's apex library:
git clone
cd apex
pip install -v --no-cache-dir --global-option="--cpp_ext" --global-option="--cuda_ext" \
  --global-option="--deprecated_fused_adam" --global-option="--xentropy" \
  --global-option="--fast_multihead_attn" ./



python "MNMT_Aux_Src_Lang/" "${DATA_DIR}" \
  --save-dir "${OUTPUT_DIR}" \
  --arch "transformer_vaswani_wmt_en_de_big" \
  --task "translation_mtl_ols" \
  --lang-pairs "fr-en,de-en,fi-en,cs-en,et-en,tr-en,lv-en,ro-en,hi-en,gu-en" \
  --language-sample-temperature 5.0 \
  --min-language-sample-temperature 1.0 \
  --language-sample-warmup-epochs 5 \
  --language-temperature-scheduler "linear" \
  --data-bt "${BT_DATA_DIR}" \
  --downsample-bt \
  --dataset-impl "mmap" --share-all-embeddings --fp16 --ddp-backend=no_c10d \
  --dropout 0.1 --optimizer "adam" --adam-betas '(0.9, 0.98)' --clip-norm 0.0 --weight-decay 0.0 \
  --lr-scheduler inverse_sqrt --lr 0.0005 --warmup-updates 4000 --warmup-init-lr 1e-07 --min-lr 1e-09 \
  --criterion "label_smoothed_cross_entropy" --label-smoothing 0.1 \
  --max-tokens 4096 --max-update 100000 --update-freq 16 \

Inference & Evaluation

We test our model in a more realistic scenario where only a single source sentence for each test instance is provided. We experiment with two inference modes:

  • single-source inference: where we provide our model with only a single source sentence during inference.
  • bi-source inference: where we first augment the source sentence by translating it into an auxiliary language using the NMT model and then use our bi-source model to generate the target translation given the original and auxiliary source sentences.

  • Beam Search: (during the inference) beam size = 8; length penalty = 1.0.
  • Metrics: the case-sensitive detokenized BLEU using sacreBLEU:
    • BLEU+case.mixed+numrefs.1+smooth.exp+tok.13a+version.1.4.3
  • For Japanese, we use MeCab tokenizer before computing BLEU.
# E2X Bi-Source Inference Experiments

mkdir -p "${RESULT}"


  for aux_lang in "fr" "de" "fi" "cs" "et" "tr" "lv" "ro" "hi" "gu"; do
  if [[ "${aux_lang}" != "${tgt_lang}" ]]; then
    echo "inference: en + ${aux_lang} -> ${tgt_lang}"
    paste "${TEST_DATA}/${PREFIX}.en" "${TEST_DATA}/${PREFIX}.trans.${aux_lang}" |
      sed -r 's/\t/ /g' |
      spm_encode --model "${SPM}" |
      python "MNMT_Aux_Src_Lang/" model \
        --path "model/" \
        --task "translation_mtl_ols" \
        --lang-pairs "en-fr,en-de,en-fi,en-cs,en-et,en-tr,en-lv,en-ro,en-hi,en-gu" \
        --source-lang "en" --target-lang "${tgt_lang}" \
        --buffer-size 128 --batch-size 16 --beam 5 --lenpen 1.0 \
        --remove-bpe=sentencepiece --no-progress-bar |
      grep -P "^H" | cut -f 3- >"${RESULT}/${PREFIX}.en-${aux_lang}.${tgt_lang}"
    python -m sacrebleu \
      "${TEST_DATA}/${PREFIX}.${tgt_lang}" \

inferenceFunction "wmt13.fren" "fr"
inferenceFunction "wmt16.deen" "de"
inferenceFunction "wmt16.fien" "fi"
inferenceFunction "wmt16.csen" "cs"
inferenceFunction "dev18.eten" "et"
inferenceFunction "wmt16.tren" "tr"
inferenceFunction "dev17.lven" "lv"
inferenceFunction "dev16.roen" "ro"
inferenceFunction "dev14.hien" "hi"
inferenceFunction "dev19.guen" "gu"



  • Bilingual baseline: NMT model trained on each language pair separately.
  • Multilingual baseline: multilingual NMT model trained on Zh-Ja and En-Ja data for Zh/En-Ja, and all English-centric data for En-X.
  • Multilingual + pseudo: multilingual NMT model trained on the concatenation of the original parallel data and pseudo data.
  • Multilingual + pivot: multilingual NMT model with pivot decoding (by first translating the source to the auxiliary language and then translating from the auxiliary to the target language).

We adopt the Transformer architecture as the backbone model for all our experiments. (Attention is All you Need)

Experiment Results

BLEU scores on Zh/En to Ja translation task.

Models Inference Science News Avg
Bilingual baseline - 46.6 18.7 32.6
Multilingual baseline - 47.6 20.6 34.1
Multilingual + pseudo - 47.5 20.1 33.8
Multilingual + pivot - 20.5 7.7 14.1
Ours (multi-enc) single 47.6 20.5 34.1
Ours (single-enc) single 48.0 20.1 34.1
Ours (multi-enc) bi-source 47.8 20.9 34.5
Ours (single-enc) bi-source 48.1 20.8 34.4

BLEU scores on En/Zh to Ja translation task.

Models Inference Science Query News Avg
Bilingual baseline - 43.1 12.1 9.2 21.5
Multilingual baseline - 42.7 13.3 9.8 21.9
Multilingual + pseudo - 42.3 13.8 9.2 21.8
Multilingual + pivot - 19.4 10.8 6.7 12.3
Ours (multi-enc) single 42.3 13.0 8.4 21.2
Ours (single-enc) single 42.6 14.5 10.1 22.4
Ours (multi-enc) bi-source 42.8 14.5 10.6 22.6
Ours (single-enc) bi-source 42.7 15.1 10.6 22.8

BLEU scores of the baseline models and our model with single-source and bi-source inference on En-X translation task.

Models Fr Cs De Fi Lv Et Ro Hi Tr Gu Avg
Bilingual baseline 31.8 25.8 33.8 20.6 22.3 13.9 25.2 11.2 12.5 7.8 20.5
Multilingual baseline 31.1 25.3 33.9 21.4 24.7 19.1 28.3 11.3 17.1 12.6 22.5
Multilingual + pseudo 30.8 24.7 33.0 20.7 24.3 19.4 28.3 13.0 17.9 13.4 22.5
Ours (single-source) 31.8 26.5 34.7 22.1 26.0 20.4 29.5 14.2 18.8 14.8 23.9
Ours (bi-source) 31.6 26.5 35.3 22.3 26.5 21.1 29.1 15.3 19.2 17.4 24.4


  title     = "Improving Multilingual Neural Machine Translation with Auxiliary Source Languages",
  author    = "Xu, Weijia and Yin, Yuwei and Ma, Shuming and Zhang, Dongdong and Huang, Haoyang",
  booktitle = "Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2021",
  publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics",
  url       = "",
  doi       = "10.18653/v1/2021.findings-emnlp.260",
  pages     = "3029--3041",


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[EMNLP 2021] Improving Multilingual Neural Machine Translation with Auxiliary Source Languages








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